Chapter Five: Aftermath

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"That guy is gone, Ruby!" Dan exclaimed. His voice echoed harshly through the harshly lit living room, bouncing off the high ceilings of the loft.

"Do you think after a decade he decided to suddenly hit you up?!" His brown eyes were wide, fingers trembling as he gestured wildly, trying to reason with me. His voice was heartbreakingly strained, "It wasn't him who sent you that evil mind letter! Listen to me! You have me now. I'm real, Ruby. He - is not. We..."

He made an attempt to hold me by the shoulders, but I jerked myself away from him. I could feel the anger building up, fueling a rising outburst.

"We?! We wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for him, Dan!" My voice was shrill. "Do you know why I became a head seeker?! Do you know why I'm obsessed with seeking out random people to me? I can tell you. It's all because of him! That's ridiculous to talk about! I'm the best seeker in town now! And even if I was the best one in the whole universe! Still. I wouldn't be able to find the only person that I'd give up all my previous cases for just to know where he is."

I could feel the tears prickling behind my eyes. But it wasn't time for them yet.

Dan's face was ghostly white, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words to say. I had never seen him this hysterical, not once.

The composure, the calmness, the cheerful, loveable Dan I knew, he was gone; replaced by this stranger who looked as if he was seconds away from screaming at me.

"Do you understand that it could be anyone else who's written that letter, Ruby?! Anyone!" He shouted, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "I couldn't allow you to stress over some evil prank. I know the case of Asheville's people disappearances is well known in the provinces. So it must be some stranger mad person playing on your feelings, Ruby."

Angry tears trickled down my cheeks, a burning sensation building in my chest making it harder to breathe. His words only made the hurt I felt even worse.

"You hid the letter from me, Daniel!" My voice echoed through the empty space. I was gathering all my stuff in a hurry - my sweaters, laptop, toothbrush, cosmetics – trying to remain calm, not to let the looming despair overcome me.

"You went through my mailbox, read my letter, and had the audacity to throw it away! You have played with my feelings better than anyone, Dan!"

"Ruby, please... Just listen to me!" Daniel's hands reached for mine, pulling my overflowing bag from me. Shock tugged at my heart as I stared at him, his eyes mirroring my hurt. "You need to calm down!"

As my mind raced, everything else started to blur. The only thing I could focus on was Daniel's pleading gaze, as he desperately attempted to explain himself, voice laced with regret. But it was too late. The damage was already done. The healing process would take time, time that I wasn't sure I'd be willing to give him.

July 2005, Asheville

We rested on a plush carpet of moss that the forest generously offered, our makeshift bed nestled at the edge of a towering cliff overlooking the quaint little town. The world was a photogenic montage beneath us, dotting the horizon with colourful homesteads quaintly nestled between sprawling farmlands. As I ran my fingers through Miles's messy tangles of chocolate-hued hair, a sudden praise of tenderness warmed my chest. He was a comforting presence, familiar yet mystifying. But this tranquility was momentarily shattered when he broke the silence we had so comfortably shared.

"You know...if I told you everything about myself, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore," he confessed, surprising me.

His words held an intensity that pierced the calm air between us, stirring the pool of tranquility we were peacefully floating in. I found myself looking down at him with curiosity and a touch of disbelief. "Why?" I asked, "You think I'm only with you to uncover your little secrets?"

His face broke into his charming, boyish smile. As I surveyed the dimpled grin plastered on his handsome face, I felt a strange urge to unravel the mystery he perpetually cloaked himself with. But just as this desire threatened to muddle our peaceful moment, he replied nonchalantly, "Something like that."

But I refused to let his whimsical theories about our relationship sag our intimate moment. Instead, I chose to assure him. Gently cradling his face, my thumb grazed his cheekbone, reflecting the affection that softly danced in my eyes. "Oh, Miles...don't you understand?" I began, my voice dipped in sincerity.

"Even if I knew every single detail about your life, every little secret..." I took a pause, collecting my emotions that seemed scattered all over the place. "I would still look at you as if at the biggest mystery I have to solve."

My confession hung in the air, a promise as solid as the moss-laden earth beneath us. He continued to gaze up at me, his vulnerability simmering beneath the velvety canopy of a calm exterior. For a moment, silence was again our companion — a mute observer of our shared secrets.

Slowly, a warm smile lit up his face and his eyes sparkled with unspoken acceptance. This was our crescendo, a blend of silent understanding and unwavering trust. We were two puzzle pieces with obscure outlines, nestling together to complete the mysterious image that was us.

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