Chapter Forty Two: The Best Day of Ruby's 2005

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It was a typical dreary Monday afternoon, and I found myself sitting in the back of the classroom, struggling to keep my eyes open during the dull history lesson. The clock seemed to tick agonizingly slow, and my mind was begging for some kind of excitement to break the monotony.

Suddenly, a slip of paper landed on my desk, causing me to jump out of my daydream. I glanced around, trying to figure out who had passed it to me. Our eyes met, and a mischievous smile played on Miles' lips. He nodded towards the window, his grey eyes sparkling with mischief and adventure.

In that moment, I knew. We were about to embark on an unforgettable escapade, and I wasn't about to miss it for the world. With my heart racing, I grabbed my bag and quietly slipped out of the classroom, following Miles' lead.

We walked along the empty halls, feeling the thrill of rebellion course through our veins. Laughter and whispers filled the air as we made our way towards the school's back exit. The anticipation was killing me, and I couldn't help but steal glances at him, wondering what he had in store for us.

As we stepped out into the cool misty air, the raindrops started to fall. Miles looked up at the sky, a mischievous grin forming on his face. Without saying a word, he took my hand in his, and we ran towards the nearby movie theater, seeking refuge from the rain.

As we sat in the dimly lit theater, he looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, a nervous yet excited expression on his face. My heart skipped a beat, and a million thoughts raced through my mind. Was this really happening? Was he about to...

But before I could finish my thoughts, the sound of thunder echoed through the theater, reverberating against the walls. The heavy rain continued to pour outside, creating an enchanting ambiance. My mind was momentarily distracted by the sound, and I didn't notice that something's slipped onto my finger.

As we left the theater, hand in hand, we found ourselves standing on the wet pavement, rain soaking us to the core. The sound of a car engine broke through the peaceful evening, and panic engulfed me. I pulled Miles closer, desperately trying to shield him from harm as the car approached.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. The car swerved to avoid us, its wheels screeching against the wet road. He held onto me tightly, and just as we thought we were about to collide with the car, our lips met in a passionate and electrifying kiss.

Breathless and full of adrenaline, we walked home hand in hand, our clothes clinging to our damp bodies. The rain washed away our worries and insecurities, leaving only love and pure bliss in its wake.

As I stepped into the warmth of my house and hurriedly made my way to the shower to warm myself, the events of the evening finally sunk in. I turned the faucet on, and as the water cascaded down, I caught sight of something shimmering on my finger.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized what I was wearing on my frozen left hand. I wore a tiny silver ring.

Tears welled up in my eyes as laughter and pure happiness filled the bathroom. Without a second thought, I stepped under the shower with my clothes still on, relishing in the moment of utter joy and spontaneous madness.

That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn't take my eyes off the ring resting on the pillow next to me. The rain continued to tap against my window, lulling me into a peaceful slumber. I smiled, knowing that our love was like the rain - unpredictable, passionate, and capable of bringing us the most incredible moments of our lives.

May 2018, The Shelter Motel


As I settled into the dimly lit motel room called "The Shelter," the photo of Ruby's former friends laid out before me, I began my investigation into Cayson Harper. The room was eerily devoid of any signs of life, the walls adorned with faded wallpaper and the smell of stale cigarette smoke lingering in the air. It was the perfect setting for a mystery to unravel.

I typed Cayson Harper's name into the FBI search engine, desperately hoping to uncover any information that might shed light on his involvement in Ruby's intoxication.

The search results, however, revealed little more than his name. There were no social media profiles, employment records, or even a trace of his existence beyond the confines of the small town. It was as if he had deliberately erased himself from the digital world.

Undeterred, I delved deeper into the town's local records and archives. My inquiries led me to the dusty shelves of the town library, where I spent countless hours scouring newspaper clippings and historical documents. It was here, amidst the yellowed pages of forgotten news, that I discovered a startling connection between Cayson Harper and a series of unexplained incidents that had plagued the town a decade ago.

According to the faded newspaper articles, a young Cayson was implicated in a string of mysterious disappearances during his teenage years. The first incident involved a seventeen-year-old girl named Lola Candice, who had gone missing for three days. It was Cayson and Ruby who had discovered her deep in the woods, disoriented and shaken. They had managed to guide her back home safely, but the experience left everyone on edge.

However, the sense of relief was short-lived. Within a week of Lola's return, another classmate named Evan Gunner inexplicably vanished. The town was in a state of panic, and fear seeped into the hearts of the residents. Days turned into weeks, and hope faded as search parties scoured the area, desperate for any sign of Evan. Finally, he was found. Dead in the abandoned soap factory, a handful of sleeping pills stuffed into his mouth. It appeared that he hadn't been intoxicated, but had choked on the medical substance, turning a tragic situation into a chilling mystery.

The articles painted a grim picture of a troubled youth, but the cases were never officially solved, and Cayson had managed to evade suspicion. The ashy-haired figure in the photo suddenly assumed a more sinister aura, as if the darkness of the past had somehow found its way into Ruby's present.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I delved further into the lives of Ruby's other former friends. My search revealed a web of secrets and hidden agendas that had woven its way through their seemingly ordinary lives.

April, the blonde girl in the photo, had risen to prominence in the therapeutic field with the help of her influential transplant surgeon husband. However, my investigation unveiled a shady college past she had successfully kept hidden from the public eye.

Daria, on the other hand, was a go-go dancer at a local club known for her extravagant appearance that often caused fights among the drunken patrons vying for her attention.

Ned, the elusive schoolteacher, seemed to have mastered the art of internet anonymity, leaving little trace of information behind.

Each revelation deepened my determination to protect Ruby from the dangers that lurked within her own circle of acquaintances. The puzzle pieces were slowly falling into place, and it became clear that the answers to her mysterious intoxication lay hidden within the tangled webs of the past. With unwavering resolve, I vowed to uncover the truth, no matter how deep the darkness ran or how treacherous the path ahead. Because, after all, I knew better than anyone that sometimes the least suspected individuals hold the key to the most profound secrets.

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