A Compilation of Short Stories in the Island Part 10!

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{Short Story 72: Chaotic Teamwork at Akademi High School!} ("Tomfoolery") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Osana Najimi: Look, Midori. Ayano Aishi and I are requesting your help with a little issue around the school, and as the saying goes, the more the merrier.

Ayano Aishi / Yandere-Chan: True.

Osana Najimi: We gave you an important task in her plan. Please, do NOT screw this up. Okay?

Midori Gurin: Sure thing, Osana. I'm going to do a lot of nonsensical things! YAY!

(She runs away)

Osana Najimi: ...Why did we give her an important task, anyway? Midori Gurin is just as unpredictable as she is predictable.

Ayano Aishi / Yandere-Chan: Meh, she can work as a distraction, in the best of cases.

Osana Najimi: Okay. At least Megami Saikou is such a diligent woman, and she will benefit us greatly with her help.

Ayano Aishi / Yandere-Chan: I'm afraid she won't be helping us with this issue at all...

Osana Najimi: WHAT?! WHY NOT?! She's more useful than all of us!

Megami Saikou: Because I refuse to soil my image by lending my help to any ideas that came out of the evil and twisted mind of Ayano Aishi.

Ayano Aishi / Yandere-Chan: ...There it is.

Osana Najimi: Oh, for crying out loud...


{Short Story 73: The Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie's Back in Town!} ("Opening: Miitopia at Peace") [Miitopia]

Nathan Colin Bronsen: So, how do you feel about our new adventure in a special game?

Martyn Littlewood: I feel surprised that we're going on a new adventure.

Elizabeth Beans Nee Dwyer / LDShadowLady: So, what game is it? And is it only for us?

Charles Batchelor / Grian: As far as Caitlyn told me, we're going to be sharing it with some friends from the other division of Ontarighton University.

Elizabeth Beans Nee Dwyer: ...Other Division? Ontarighton University?

Martyn Littlewood: Like who?

Charles Batchelor: Well, there's Marx, Miss Sylvie, Mr. Tom Nook...

???: And me!

("The Dark Lord's Theme") [Miitopia]

???: Hello, boys and girls. Did I catch you at a bad time?

Charles Batchelor: Hi, Shadow Stephanie.

???: The Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie to you, Grian.

Elizabeth Beans Nee Dwyer: ...The Dark Lord? Are you heading into Miitopia?

Shadow Stephanie, the Dark Lord: Indeed, you are. Oh, but why spoil you the fun of the adventure? I prefer for you to visualize it with your very own eyes.

Martyn Littlewood: Then why are you here?

Shadow Stephanie, the Dark Lord: I thought I could stop by and say hello to some of you. Now, I do hope you're ready for a joyful reunion in Miitopia. I know I am.

(She makes an evil laugh)

Shadow Stephanie, the Dark Lord: Bye-bye, guys.

(She teleports away)

Elizabeth Beans Nee Dwyer: ...That was something.

Charles Batchelor: Don't worry, the regular Shadow Stephanie is more amiable.

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