A Compilation of Short Stories on the Island Part 6!

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{Short Story 38: Hydreigon-Chan's Rage Against the Fairies!} ("Mr. Krabs' Fight") [Around the Clock at Bikini Bottom]

Kommo-O-Chan: Hydreigon, come on, we need to leave!

Garchomp-Chan: The fairies are getting closer to us! And you know they won't hesitate to attack us like how they've done since Kalos!

Hydreigon-Chan: I can't leave without Sylveon! I need to make sure she's safe!

Salamence-Kun: She was a Fairy-type, Hydreigon! She might as well have been playing you like a fiddle so the Fairies could attack us!

Hydreigon-Chan: Don't you DARE to insult Sylveon like that, you overgrown lizard who is traumatized by a stupid Pachirisu!

Goodra-Chan: Guys, we need to calm ourselves down and-


Salamence-Kun: Hydreigon, I bet Sylveon doesn't care about you due to her Fairy-type nature!

???: Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Kommo-O-Chan: ...Oh no, she found us... The leader of the fairies herself... Gardevoir...

Gardevoir-Chan: Thank you for the introduction. Now, Sylveon might be a Fairy-type, but she's been neglecting us all because of this suicidal dragon she calls a "Girlfriend". Now, to avoid her making an interruption in our plans, we sent her somewhere else.

Hydreigon-Chan: WHERE IS SHE?!

Gardevoir-Chan: She's staying at a dungeon as we speak. But don't worry, Hydreigon, you shall accompany her soon. If you manage to live after being hit with a Moonblast once more. And your friends will be with you as well.

Salamence-Kun: You won't be getting us alive! Let's run!

(They run away, minus a certain someone)

Garchomp-Chan: Hydreigon?! What are you doing?!

Hydreigon-Chan: (With her hands shaking) Alright, you overly popular fairy, it's one thing to ruin my life after I was the Queen of the World in Unova... It's one thing to endure 2 generations without defending myself...

Goodra-Chan: ...Hydreigon?

Hydreigon-Chan: (Letting the anger rise) But right now, you're swimming in boiling waters for what you've done to Sylveon.

Gardevoir-Chan: Oh? Is that so? And how are you going to defend yourself and Sylveon, eh?

Hydreigon-Chan: I'm glad you asked.

(She gets surrounded by an aura of hatred)

Hydreigon-Chan: Come have a taste of some Suicidal and Hatred-Filled Flash Cannon, you pathetic excuses for dolls!


{Short Story 39: Sylvie Paula Paula's Traumatic Rage!} ("Grass Skirts Chase") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Kula Diamond: I'm happy that you have turned over a new leaf, Mr. Krizalid.

Krizalid: If I can erase my bad actions from NESTS in favor of a new life, then I'm happy to be accepted by others.

Sylvie Paula Paula: Hello, Kula! It's such a nice day today, isn't it?

Kula Diamond: It is. By the way, I would like to introduce you to my new friend.

Krizalid: ...Sylvie? Is that you? It's been a long time since we last saw each other...

Sylvie Paula Paula: ...Krizalid... YOU HEARTLESS AND CYNICAL MONSTER!

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