"Go talk to him just tell him that there's still hope" Stefan said.

"And make sure he doesn't kill himself cause if he does, well we all know what I'm capable of so" Aurelia said.


Stefan and Aurelia made it to where Klaus was staying, and they saw Katherine. "Hello Katherine" Stefan said.

"Oh, right the other doppelgänger the tolerable one" Aurelia said.

Two days I've been waiting I'm supposed to be free of Klaus's compulsion by now he's supposed to be dead" Katherine said. "We ran into complications" Stefan said.

"Complications" Katherine asked. "Doesn't really matter just need to find him" Stefan said.

"Do you have any idea where he might be" Stefan asked and Katherine sped him to a wall. "Klaus you're back" Katherine said and Klaus came in with Elijah.

Katherine had let go of Stefan as she, Stefan, and Aurelia faced them. "Look who decided to come for a visit" Katherine said.

"You just keep popping up don't you" Klaus said and then saw Aurelia.

"Except you" Klaus said to her. "That's Klaus I'm not very impressed" Aurelia said.

"You must be Aurelia beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Klaus said. "Don't try to flatter me it won't work" Aurelia said. "Aurelia" Elijah said.

"Don't talk to me" Aurelia told him while Klaus tried to hold back his smirk.

I need your help for my brother" Stefan said. "Well, whatever it is he's gonna have to wait a tick you see I have a, obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention" Klaus said. 

"You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here my brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own" Elijah said.

"And so, I shall" Klaus said and Elijah turned around when Klaus daggered him. "Shh" Klaus said when Elijah went limb dropping to the floor.

"Well, I guess technically he didn't break his word" Aurelia said shrugging. Klaus had sped Stefan to a wall.

"Now what am I gonna do with you" Klaus asked. Klaus had staked Stefan in the stomach, and he groaned in pain.

"You feel that it's scraping against your heart the slightest little movement and your dead" Klaus said and pulled the stake out. "He's just trying to help his brother" Katherine said. 

Aurelia went to help when Stefan stopped her. "No Aura don't" Stefan said. "You really rather die than let me help" Aurelia said. "Aura" Stefan said.

"Instead of killing him this instant why don't you hear him out first maybe we all can work something out" Aurelia said.

"The witches said you had a cure make me a deal just give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want" Stefan said before he was staked again, and Klaus pulled it out before he walked away.

"Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now you are just shy of useless, I heard about this one vampire crazy bloke always on and off the wagon for decades when he was off, he was magnificent 1917 he went into Monterey wiped out an entire migrant village a true ripper" Klaus said. "Sound familiar" Klaus asked.

"I haven't been that way in a very long time" Stefan said.

"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with that is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town, Katerina come here" Klaus said and Katherine went to him.

Klaus bit her hand before letting go of her hand. "No, no, no" Katherine said. 

Klaus bit his arm and fed Katherine his blood. Her bite mark had healed as Aurelia, Katherine, and Stefan saw.

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