🔸 CHAPTER 27 🔸

Start from the beginning

Jk: "You better." The whole bicker goes on heatedly, but no one is too much swayed by it to raise the voice above a mere whisper.

Jackson: "By the way Jungkook. I need to tell you something."

Jk: "Go on. I'm listening."

Jackson stops before speaking, as his eyes suddenly catch the the other's shirt buttoned up till the neck. That must be uncomfortable, hindering a good solid sleep, that the other needs.

He swiftly gets up and begins to unbutton the pale blue shirt. His fingers stop the act after the shirt is unbuttoned up to four buttons. It is enough for a person to be comfortable.

The act is simple, fast, necessary. But, it has a thousand meanings to it. It has the scope of thousand imaginations to be created.

Jungkook's eyes follow the act, very expected pain builds itself within him, discourteouesly throwing his mind off the hook of admiration. Right. It must be very normal for them..... it must be.

Jackson: "So, you listening?"

Jk: "Yes." He states, but his mind partially remains in a daze of sadness, wondering ways of getting out of the illegal feeling of jealousy, sadness and pain.

These feelings are a sin in themselves, especially of coming from him. Isn't this the thing that he deserves?

Jackson brings him to the balcony. Not very often used, the view, not so appealing, but wind passing over their bodies, helping Jungkook to wash off the heat that he has gathered in anxiety.

Jackson: "Let me get it straight. I want both of you to get back together." His eyes waver for a moment, a flicker of confusion passes through him. He questioningly gazes at the older, hoping that his ears have betrayed his hearing ability.

Jackson: "You didn't hear wrong. I mean it." His confusion is doubled this instance. What? Why?

Jk: "What the hell?!"

Jackson: "I am not joking Jungkook. I am serious. Can you not love him again?" The words seem surreal, yet so very lucid that his eyes sting with the raging tears. He still loves him.

Jackson: "Can you not share your life?" He wants to!

Jackson: "Can you not sooth his pain forever?" He can die for it!

Jackson: "Please, get back together again!" But, that is impossible.. it can never happen. He will never let that happen. He takes a deep breath in and releases it out with forces. What is this leading to? Why?

Get back together? Aren't they in a relationship? Then, does that mean...? No way.

His brain brings him to the benefits points of possibilities, his mind concludes something that he can never adapt to.

Two dominant alphas for one submissive Alpha? A poly relationship? Is this what he is being dragged into. It's impossible!

Why though?

Didn't he bring Tae into one? Didn't he share the love that was never mean to be even though if being divided.

Didn't he distribute his attention, a larger portion to one and the smallest to the other?

What is wrong in this then? If he has the right to share his love, why will tae be different? Just why? Isn't this discrimination?

He glances up at the older alpha, a gaze of hope given on him. How? He can't! He can never!

He shakes his head. His head shakes, swings side by side, vigorously, his eyes glisten with confusion, tears coat his soil orbs.

Jk: "I-I'm sorry. I-I can't do this! Please forgive me, I can't do this!" He shouts and begins to run away. There he does that again, he runs away from his problems. But, he is desperate to go out if it this time, more desperate than he has ever been.

Jackson: "Jungkook! Don't go!" He hears Jackson, pleading him to not run away, but he cannot stop, he will face an end of himself if he does, he needs time for himself. He needs to be alone.

Rushing to the door, he grips the knob tightly. With a last glance at the still sleeping alpha he barges out.


He wipes away the traces if tears on his face as he stands up for ambling to the window.

The rain has now turned even more fierce, creating a chaos in the environment.

He doesn't know how his sins can be repaid. He needs to apologise to Jackson for acting the way he did. He needs to apologise for declining the request. He is a failure after all.

 He is a failure after all

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Author N-Tk 𐤀

Wrong To Be His Alpha || Tk 𐤀Where stories live. Discover now