14: Just What All Do You Know?

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"That's it?" Gray asked. Natsu and Happy were both looking into the stew that Morana had prepared the previous evening. Even though it was cold, they were able to make it hot once more by simply relighting the fire.

"You two are always thinking about food!" Lucy scolded the two as she whacked the backs of their heads. "And yes, Gray, that was all we talked about."

"Come on! We haven't had breakfast!" Natsu rubbed his head as he pouted.

"Aye! Have some compassion, Lucy! We need the food!" Happy continued, rubbing the bump on his head.

"You two are pathetic. Look, we need to find Morana and not scavenge through her food." Lucy told them as she decided to carry Morana's winter coat.

"Just take it, man. We're burning daylight." Gray huffed, annoyed that this was what they were wasting time on.

"Great idea, Gray!" Natsu shouted as he picked up the pot, using his flames to keep it hot. "Let's get going!"

"I am surrounded by idiots," Lucy grumbles, clearly annoyed, as they begin to explore the island's forest in search of Morana.

The four of them were walking through the forest. The pot Natsu had brought with them was empty, as the fire dragon and blue cat had finished the rest of the food.

"Man, that was good!" Natsu had a full stomach as he walked behind Lucy and Gray, satisfied by the meal.

"He's like a pig sometimes," Lucy muttered softly.

Gray heard her and chuckled. "Yeah, he is, isn't he?"

"What are you trying to say, ice freak?" Natsu had heard Gray insult him and got into the ice mage's face.

"You have no manners, Natsu. You didn't even offer any to Lucy and I!" Gray pointed this out as he got in Natsu's face as well. Lucy stood irritated as the two squared off against one another. They were wasting their time on such an idiotic thing. The celestial wizard was only interested in finding Morana so that the mission could be completed.

"Would you two cut it out?! We need to find Morana and figure out what is going on with the moon." Lucy scolded them as she tried to get them to stop fighting, but they were so focused on fighting each other that they didn't hear her.

Behind them, the vegetation and trees rustled as Lucy looked up and grew pale with fear. A massive rodent loomed over the trees. They were being pursued by what appeared to be a rat disguised as a maid.

"Guys..." Lucy tried to get their attention but with no luck.

"Guys!" Nothing.

"THERE'S A GIANT RAT RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Lucy screamed as she pointed it out. After putting an end to their argument, Natsu and Gray turned to look at Lucy with confusion before turning back to face the rat that was hovering over them.

"It's huge!" Gray shouted as he looked up at the beast.

"Why didn't you say something sooner, Lucy?" Natsu shouted.

"I did, but you two wouldn't listen!" Lucy shouted as she used Happy as a shield. "Don't just stand there; beat it up!"

The rat inhaled deeply before exhaling a large amount of foul gas. Gray's ice shield thankfully blocked it, but it was still enough to knock Natsu to the ground.

"Ice Dragon Freezing Talon!" A shout echoed out as Morana appeared above the rodent. Her flying kick was powerful enough to knock it out cold. Standing atop it, she peered down at her fellow guild members. The gas dissipated from the area, and they were able to breathe once more as they looked up at the ice dragon.

Snowflakes In The Darkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن