New Years Special☁️

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Minho and Jisung had been dating for a long time, and their love for each other grown deep. However, as life got busier for Minho with his commitments, Jisung couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness creeping in. Tonight was one of those nights when Minho had gone out with his friends, leaving Jisung at home, lying on the couch, lost in his thoughts. As he watched TV, a mix of emotions washed over him, wondering if Minho still prioritized their connection amidst his hectic schedule. Jisung's mind raced with concerns.

As the clock ticked past 2a.m., Jisung worry escalated into a full-blown state of panic when he heard the front door creak open. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized Minho's unsteady footsteps stumbling towards their shared apartment. With every passing second, his concern morphed into a mix of relief and apprehension.

Minho barged into the living room, disheveled appearance and alcohol-soaked breath instantly confirming Jisung's suspicions. He stumbled over the furniture, barely able to keep himself upright. Jisung rushed to his side, instinctively wrapping an arm around him to steady his staggering form.

"Minho, what happened?" Jisung asked, his voice filled with concern. His eyes scanned over his partner, taking note of the redness in his eyes and the tired droop in his shoulders. It was clear that the weight of the world had gotten the best of Minho once again.

Minho slurred his words, his incoherent ramblings leaving Jisung even more worried. But deep down, Jisung understood the underlying pain that fueled Minho's self-destructive tendencies. He knew that sometimes the pressures of Minho's career and their relationship became overwhelming.

Without hesitation, Jisung guided Minho to the couch and sat him down, careful not to aggravate his drunken state. He fetched a glass of water, gently coaxing Minho to sip it, hoping it would alleviate some of the effects of the alcohol.

As Jisung watched Minho's exhausted face soften under his care, he couldn't help but feel a surge of love and compassion. Despite the frustrations and doubts that had plagued him earlier, all he wanted now was to be there for Minho, to offer him solace in their own little world.

With a tender touch, Jisung brushed away a strand of hair from Minho's forehead, his voice softening as he spoke, "Minho, you're safe now. I'm here with you. We'll get through this together."

As the night wore on, Jisung stayed by Minho's side, occasionally wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes. He whispered words of comfort, reminding Minho of their love and dedication to one another.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow. After all it is New Year's Eve."




As Minho slowly regained consciousness, a wave of intense pain washed over him. Groaning in discomfort, he struggled to open his eyes. As the room came into focus, he realized Jisung was not by his side.

Confused and feeling worse by the second, Minho managed to drag himself out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen. There, he found Jisung bustling around, preparing a steaming bowl of hangover soup. The smell wafted through the air, offering some comfort amidst his pounding headache.

"Jisung," Minho croaked, his voice hoarse. "What happened?"

Jisung turned to face him, concern etched across his features. "You had quite a wild night, Minho. Looks like you're paying for it now. I thought some hangover soup might help."

Minho gingerly sat down at the kitchen table, his head still throbbing. He gazed at Jisung with gratitude, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Jisung. I must've been really messed up last night."

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