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Narrator POV

'Fucking idiot. Do it. DO IT. They wouldn't give a fuck about you. You pathetic worthless shit. Kill yourself. Go on. Pull the trigger.' Jisung's brain kept urging him on as the gun was held to his head. "No.. I can't. Not yet. Please.." Jisung said.

'Fucking pull it. Fucking pussy. It's your fault your mom hates you. It's your fault your dad went to jail. It's your fault you can't eat right. Fucking fag. Pull the trigger. PULL IT.'

(A/N: I'm bisexual don't cancel me 😭)

He was now crying uncontrollably. Sobbing as he slowly put the gun down coming back to his senses. He slid the gun back under his bed and went to his bathroom. He looked everywhere trying to remember where he put it. His eyes fell on his toothbrush holder, picking it up and taking the blade he had hidden from underneath. He slid down the bathroom door in relief.

He took the blade, slowly letting it drag across his thighs. He felt the pleasurable sting as blood started gushing from them. He took a towel and wiped the blood off, more oozing out from the slits.

He threw the towel and stood up looking in the mirror, taking the blade across his arms, hissing when the blade dug into his skin. He watched as the blood leaked and started crying.

'I don't want this. I don't want to be here. I'm so sorry. Forgive me.' His thoughts were eating him alive. He wanted to do something about it though he knew he couldn't. Luckily for him, it was still cold out so he could wear long sleeves to cover his arms. He picked himself up off the floor, cleaning and hiding the blade back in it's place.

⚠️End of TW⚠️

He walked out of the bathroom, quickly into his room, to avoid her drunk antics. Thank heavens she was passed out from drinking too much. Even though Jisung had been abused by her and her temper several times, he can't help but care for her. He wanted to escape from her for a few days. Jisung threw on a navy blue hoodie and some black sweatpants and grabbed his phone.

He planned on calling Minho but figured he'd probably say no considering two days ago. So he settled on calling Felix since Hyunjin and Felix live together. Jisung went to his room and started to pack a bag that had his necessities. Since it was only Tuesday, he grabbed his school bag as well. He didn't need clothes considering he left half of his at their house.

'C'mon.. pick up pick up pick up.. yes!'


"Hey, Felix. Is it okay if I come crash at you guys' place for a bit?"

"Your mom again isn't it?.."

Jisung stayed silent for a moment. Felix got the hint.

'Of course you can stay, Sungie. I'll come pick you up. You know the drill.'

And with that Felix hung up the phone. Jisung was quick to throw on a hoodie and sit down and wait for the younger to arrive. Just a few minutes later, Jisung saw headlights outside. Jisung opened his window, careful not to make it creak and crawled out, shutting the window behind him.

"Hey guys. Sorry for asking to stay all of a sudden. My mom is just-"

"We know," Hyunjin and Felix said at the same time. "However, we're like a family. Don't ever be sorry for asking us to stay the night okay? Hell you could even show up at midnight and we wouldn't be mad." Felix said, eyes focused on the road.

Hyunjin handed Jisung a bag that had his favorite snacks. Felix and Hyunjin stopped at the store for snacks and beverages before making their way to Jisung's house. About 16 minutes later, Felix pulled up in the driveway of his and Hyunjin's house and everyone got out. After getting inside the house, getting warm and cozy from the outside, Jisung went to his room.

Hyunjin knocked at Jisung's door and went inside after he told him it was okay to come in.

"Hey Hyunjin! What's up?" Jisung asked the latter. "Nothing really. Staying for how long?"

"Is it okay if I stay for at least a week and a half?" Jisung asked, looking up at Hyunjin with babydoll eyes.

"Ugh. Fine. But you better do your share and help around the house. You know how Felix is when it comes to the house being clean." Hyunjin said as he ruffled Jisung's hair. Hyunjin stayed and chatted with Jisung until Felix called him down to help with dinner. Jisung was bored and since there was nothing to do, he decided to call someone.


"I see you finally decided to call me." Came a voice from over the phone.

"Yeah yeah. Hi Minho." Jisung said playing with his hoodie strings. "What are you doing? Hope I didn't bother you."

"No you didn't bother me. Besides, I'm not really doing anything besides petting Dori." Minho said with a warm chuckle. Jisung felt his cheeks get hot hearing him laugh. He was glad to be talking to the other.

They were up talking for ages about all sorts of things. Minho even offered to hang out with Jisung after school the next day. Jisung looked at the time and realized it was super late.


"Oh shoot. We have school in the morning. I'll talk to you later Min. It's late and I'm pretty tired. Goodnight."

"Haha! Goodnight Sung. Sleep well." Minho said warmly.

And with that, Jisung hung up. He squealed in excitement until Hyunjin came in with a pillow and threw it at the latter's face. "YAH. I'm trying to sleep. Talk to your little boyfriend in the morning or something." He said as he walked out of Jisung's room. Jisung felt his face heat up and the word 'boyfriend'.

Jisung shook his head and sat his phone on his wireless charging port and went to sleep. He enjoyed talking to Minho. He hoped that tomorrow he gets the chance to talk him more.

(A/N: That's all for this chapter. I'm sorry this chapter was so boring. I'm running out of ideas. And I don't know what to do for next chapter. I might include angst within the next 4 or 5 chapters just because I'm mean like that ☺️)

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