Part 9: Glowing in the Dark

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Warnings: large knife (not actually used, it's just there), should just be pure fluff and filler

Warnings: large knife (not actually used, it's just there), should just be pure fluff and filler

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The day flew by. By the time night fell, Bear's team were passed out in their beds, trying desperately to get enough sleep to tide them over for the next few days ahead of them. The cool night air beat back the heat of the desert as Bear crept past the other rooms to sit out on the fire escape, allowing herself just to sit and breathe, releasing the tension in her body.

The lights from the base cast long dark shadows across the pavement. From where she sat, Bear could see the lights in distant buildings slowly shutting off, people leaving offices, conference rooms and emerging from wherever they had hidden themselves away during the day. A stream of voices rose up as she watched a group of mechanics leave a hangar in the distance, joy and playfulness in full expression, even if she couldn't make out what they were saying. It brought her a sense of peace the longer Bear sat out on the fire escape, watching lights flicker on, beating back the growing shadows.

She didn't know how long she had been sitting outside when the door she had propped open swung out suddenly, startling her. "Hey."

Whipping her head around, her hand clutching onto the large knife she carried with her, Bear saw that it was just the blond pilot who had haunted her every waking hour. "Jesus Christ Flyboy, don't you know any better? I could have seriously hurt you," she admonished, muscles relaxing slightly.

"Sorry," Jake replied. "I didn't mean to. I just saw the door open and figured that I should close it. You okay?"

Bear shook her head, scoffing a little at his words. "I'm fine, but I swear to God Jake, don't do that again," she warned him, finally taking a moment to take in his appearance. "How are you holding up? I know that Mav really put you all through the paces today." When he gave her a curious look, Bear shrugged before replying "We share our plans for training with each other. It keeps us on the same page."

Jake nodded. He had been distracted for most of the day, thinking about the woman in front of him. How she could take control of almost any situation, how her voice had sounded through his headset, the look she had given him, all wide eyed and surprised when they had been goofing around in her room. Everything about her made him crazy. "Mind if I sit?"

"Sure, why not?" Bear shuffled over a little, making room for the man to fold himself up and sit next to her. "Are you okay?"

He took a deep breath. "Yeah, for the most part. Just trying to make sense of everything," Jake admitted. "I've done mission assists before, but just how big this one actually is, is a lot to wrap my head around."

Nudging his arm with hers, Bear smiled. "I get it. Even I have the same thoughts before some of these assignments. This is a big operation. Bigger than anything I've done in a long time. Three targets in one place? It's practically unheard of."


"Yeah. A standard op is usually one major target or a few lower levels. Nothing like this."

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