Part 6: Mark Me Down as Horny, not Scared

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Warnings: violence, guns, 'hostage taking', swearing, paint grenades

As she left the building to pick up her gear, Bear's voice crackled through the radios of her teams

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As she left the building to pick up her gear, Bear's voice crackled through the radios of her teams. "Don't be morons, have fun, and let's show these pilots why we're the best in the Navy. Red team ready?"

"Copy. Red team 1 ready," Flare replied.

"Red team 2 ready." Shrike rasped.

"Blue team ready?"

"Roger that. Blue team ready."

Rejoining her team outside, Bear tapped Bug on the shoulder, slipping into position near the back of the group, ready to follow. Every member of the team had slid their night vision goggles into place, giving them a way to sweep the building.

Bug gave the order to breach and the doors on all four sides were yanked open, giving way to four teams of eight that entered silently.

Approaching a hallway, Bug directed two to break off and search the room on the left. They did, and when finding nothing, stuck a flag to the door, marking that it was clear. Bear and Finch broke off to do the same to the right, Finch touching Bear's shoulder to signal that she was behind the other woman. A quick sweep turned up nothing. "Clear," Bear muttered just loud enough to be heard. A short nod, and the two marked it off, slipping further down the hallway.

On the top floor, the pilots watched in fascination as Bear and her teams swept silently through the building marking off room after room. They watched as Bear and Finch left a room to reenter the hall down which Fireball and one of his team were sweeping. "Cross," Bear called out, warning the others. Glances were exchanged, awe evident as they returned their focus to the projection on the wall.

Bear was getting antsy, two of four floors left to sweep and no one had run into a member of the red team. The adrenaline was pumping, and when she slipped past Finch to enter what felt like the hundredth room, she caught a flurry of movement that had her firing two blue paintballs at the perpetrator. Mouse groaned, he'd taken one to the chest, the other to the helmet, effectively marking him as dead. "Red 12 down," he spoke into his coms.

Stepping over him, Bear continued her search, finding no one else in the room. "One down," she spoke over coms. "Heads up."

"Copy that Bear. Continue as planned," Bug replied.

Finch marked the door frame but gunfire made her whip back into the room. "Siege, siege. Floor three, room 6," she called through coms.

Bear flipped a table, pushing it close to the door, firing off a few shots before being forced to duck behind the makeshift barricade. Normally, she'd toss a flashbang or a grenade over the table, but this being a training exercise, all she was equipped with were a few large paintballs that exploded when thrown. "Get down!" she yelled to Finch, who hit the floor as Bear let the fake grenade fly. It crashed to the ground in the hall, splattering blue glow in the dark paint across the would-be attackers.

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