They got to watch movies and play games all night long with Sero's older siblings.

It was a nice time.

" Oh bro can I come too? I want to have some of your dad's um...what did he make again," Kirishima asked as he tried his best to remember the dish.

" Machaca and I'll tell my folks you guys are coming," the tape boy winked at his friend.

Mina cheered loudly as Kirishima hit his fists with one another, " Sweet dude! I can't wait to come over!"

" Same! I hope your big sister can help me with my hair again because I don't know what she put in her shampoo because it helped me a lot," Mina wrapped her arms around Sero's neck.

Sero chuckled, " I think my sis is coming home from college so I'll see!"

Mina cheered in his ear as she jumped up and down, Kirishima laughed at this interaction while Bakugou was on his phone ignoring them.

Sero smiled at his friend's excitement but stopped once he heard his boyfriend call out his name.

" Hanta."

Sero and Mina stopped, they looked over to see the fire-ice boy looking at them.

" I'll be downstairs."

And with that, he took off.

Leaving everyone else, including Bakugou confused in Mina's room.

Mina let go of Sero," Ok... that was odd."

" Yeah I know, but I should get going. Wish me luck," Sero nervously grinned.

" He's going to love your gift Sero, I think it's very sweet," Mina supported her friend who was a nervous wreck, this made Kirishima stand up with a grin on his face.

" Yeah dude, you were up all night. He's totally going to love it, it's super manly."

Sero gave his two friends a soft smile, " Thanks for helping me guys."

" No problem! You two are the cutest couple," Mina chirped out.

" And you helped me for Kat's parents' dinner party, it was the least I could do!"

Sero grinned, " I-

" Go on your stupid date already," Bakugou grunted without looking up from his phone.

Kirishima and Mina gave him a disappointing look for a second before hearing Sero's chuckles.

" You're right Bakubro, see ya!"

Sero gave them a wave before running out of the door, Mina sighed happily.

" They are too cute! They're my favorite couple."

" Hey," Kirishima pouted.

" Now Kiri hun, you guys are a close second."

Kirishima sulked, he stopped once heard his boyfriend tsked.

" As if I care about your opinion Pinky."

Mina gasped, " Why I never-"

" And also, you better watch it with the touchy shit with tape face."

Bakugou was still on his phone whereas Kirishima and Mina blinked at each other before Mina looked at the blonde with confusion as she tilted her head.

" What are you talking about?"

Bakugou set his blazing crimson eyes up at his boyfriend and the pink-skinned girl, he saw the looks on their faces which made him even more annoyed.

" Oh my fucking god, do I need to explain everything?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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