CHAPTER-15"Whispers in the Balcony"

Start from the beginning

"Ashok has invited Ciashi for dinner tonight at 9 o'clock."

Mamaji picks up his spectacles, that were placed on a wooden-colored table near the bed, said,

"Aarti and Suraj have also gone out several times before their marriage."

Mamiji responded,

"It's different with them. Suraj liked Aarti from the beginning, and they used to go out even after their engagement.
But this is different. Ashok hasn't confirmed the wedding yet, and he's taking Ciashi to dinner."

Mamaji picked up a light brown-covered book placed on the table and said,

"Times are changing rapidly, Shreemati. In a second, the world turns upside down. Whereas Aarti and Suraj have known each other for a long time after their engagement."

Mamiji slapped her forehead with her right hand in frustration and said,

"I'm not talking about that. I want to make you understand that Ciashi has already started her magic.
She's starting to control Ashok's actions already. If everyone in the house supports Ciashi, what will happen to Aarti? Ciashi will become everyone's favorite."

Mamaji adjusted his spectacles and said,

"You are exaggerating, Shreemati. Both Ciashi and Aarti should be happy in their own lives. Ciashi isn't so cunning that she can make anyone dance to her tunes. She's a straightforward and simple girl.
What you're saying doesn't suit her."

He continued,

"You don't understand women."

Mamaji went back to concentrating on his book. "I think we should discuss this later. The children are here now. Besides, and I want to read my novel."

Mamiji retorted, "You just keep reading your novel."

Then she muttered to herself, "I have to do something, but what?"
In Ciashi's room,

Sonakshi said, "So, Ciashi, have you understood everything, what to do and what not to do at the club? If you still have any doubts, feel free to ask. Don't mess things up in the club."

Ciashi, with a mix of confusion, replied,

"I think I've understood everything, but I'm really nervous. What if I forget something?"

Sonakshi reassured her, saying,

"Come on, Ciashi, you've never forgotten an answer in an exam, and this is much easier to remember. And even if you forget something, just act like a normal person and mimic what others are doing at the club, it's that simple."

Ciashi, with a little tense face, said, "But I am still feeling nervousness in my heart."

Sonakshi replied,

"You are just overthinking, that's all, nothing else."

She continued, "Look, I've explained everything to you, and your makeover will be properly done. So why be so stressed? Even if you do nothing, just stand or sit quietly with a cold drink in your hand."


Ciashi, summoning some courage, breathed deeply and said,


Sonakshi, speaking excitedly,
"Let's proceed to our next step. It's time for your makeup."

Sonakshi got up from her place and pulled a hook on the top drawer of the dressing table.

She took out a box and placed it on the dressing table.

Then, she opened the box to reveal various makeup products: different eyeshadow palettes, various types of makeup brushes, blush, foundation, concealer, kajal, eyeliner, and many more.

Ciashi usually didn't use these makeup products, but when she performed dance, she used makeup to emphasize her facial expressions.

Sonakshi, on the other hand, had a great passion for makeup and had taken several makeup courses, becoming quite skilled at it.

Sonakshi first took a tube of foundation and applied a small amount to her hand.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Mamiji stood on the balcony. Due to the darkness, not much was visible, except for a few night bulbs that illuminated the surroundings.

This provided a faint glimpse of the nearby trees and plants.

The gentle breeze made Mamiji's pallu flutter in the air. She had her phone pressed against h,

"I can't talk right now. I'll meet you outside near the grocery store after 9 PM. It's too risky to discuss things here. Make sure you come on time, or I'll return home. Bye."

After saying this, Mamiji looked around cautiously and discreetly returned from the balcony.


Sonakshi, holding a makeup brush with a big smile, said,

"The makeup is done. Now, let me work on your long, beautiful hair."
Ciashi requested,

"Sonakshi, please don't use a hair dryer or curler, or straightener. I don't want to damage my hair, please?"

Sonakshi, with a warm smile, replied, "Alright, as you insist ma’am."


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