Chapter 10: Cherry

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Davina's POV

"Davina a man's here to see you" Ivo said as she stepped into the living room where I sat relaxed pressing my phone.

I turned to stare at her and didn't know the reaction to give to that. Mainly because I don't have many friends and I certainly don't know many men. I knew men of high places, the ones you can get huge favors from carrier wise, fucking company owners and all that shit and I know very well that none of those men will come to visit me except they've completely gone mad.

I'm a very social butterfly when it comes to being social but i'm the definition of lonely days in my personal life. No man fucking knows me.

"He should tell you his name and how we got to know each other" I said to her before turning to face my phone and drown in my fucking thoughts.

This would really be a problem for me if he's from my past because my memory has been worse and I might not remember him. It feels as if every morning when I wake I lose a new shit. It scares me as i'll need every single part of me for Paris and i'm slowly loosing my fucking brain.

I've been secretly learning and practicing modelling from the basics so I don't mess up and give myself away. You know, the moment someone finds out my memory's still fuzzy or even worse that'll be the end of my carrier and there's no way i'm letting that happen. I'm determined to be the best version of myself right at this moment of life no matter what that version looks like and if I'll lose everything I once knew then I have to relearn it.

This process is definitely going to be a hard one and i've promised myself that the world is about to see a new Davina La Croix, one that doesn't give any fuck, isn't so nice and is ready to fight for what's mine no matter the cost. I've been too nice.

Its giving bad bitch I see.

"He says he's name is Chris Wyatt, he's a childhood friend, he's from the US and your first crush" Ivo said as she got back into the living room and immediately she said I frowned cause I just went into a state of total confusion.


What the fuck?

Who the fuck is that?

"I don't know no fucking Chris from US"

And I lived in the US for what? Seven years? I've not seen anyone I knew there since then and he just pops up in my door step for what? I honestly can't blame my fuzzy brain for not remembering him. I was so young when I left the US, there's definitely no way I can remember him.

And how did he even know where I lived? Is he stalking me or is this some silly coincidence?

"He should come in, I don't know him but we could catch up" I said and she left. Moving around was and will never impact a growing child's life positively. I lived in the three different cities in seven freaking years.

Parents of the year huh?

"Hey" I heard a soft light voice from behind. I didn't want to respond and just keep doing what I was doing but I thought better of it.

"Hi" I replied as I turned to see which man owns such little voice. He's a tall white handsome man, he has the chiseled body of an athlete. He has a sharp jaw, his short dark hair was a little messy and the thick line of his eyebrows was resting under his flat forehead. Underneath them was two beautiful golden brown coloured eyes and between those was a straight balanced nose, with shaped lips a darker shade of his skin and a little touch of pink in-between.

He wore a black suit that fitted him perfectly with a white shirt underneath that was doing a very bad job at covering the tattoos that lingered from his neck to his chest area which was exposed as the first two buttons of the white shirt was undone.

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