Chapter 8: I'm all yours

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Vera's POV

Modelling is majorly about making sure your mind and your body is in synch so you project the perfect pose from your mind to body and also enable you walk the run way with elegance.

There's two parts of today's job. One is videography and the other is photography. The video is for video ads while the pictures are mainly for a magazine. I'm going to be working with a male model who's going to be my husband.

I'm to receive a call from the vendor who's to supply me the set of jewels for me and my husband while I laid on a bench in the beach, my right leg curved up and my left laid straight. I placed my hand on my stomach as I hummed to the tone of the song that was played while I waited for the call.

When the phone rang, I groaned in frustration cussing out whoever it was that was calling me to show that the call was disturbing the beautiful moment I was having.

I was to talk to the vendor about the new set of couples jewel box consisting of two necklace, wristwatch, bracelet, earrings and rings. After making the phone call and smiling from time to time I was told my next scene is to go pickup the delivery.

I walked the most elegant I could, taking sexy steps letting the wind carry my body as I moved. The wind blew my hair and dress giving me perfect looks as I walked.

I got to the pickup point and saw the box sited carefully on a small wooden table. I picked it up from the table before opening it. My eyes lit up as they met with the golden set of jewels, they were beautiful and most especially unique, they were screaming luxury.

I picked the necklace up from the box and was about to fix it around my neck when a strong manly set of hands held mine and slipped the necklace out of it.

I stood smiling as he placed the necklace around my neck and locked it. He placed a soft kiss on my neck and I smiled closing my eyes appreciating the gesture. He took the earrings and hooked them on my ear.

He turned me around to stare at him and my eyes met with a beautiful set of blue eyes. He smiled on seeing mine and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

He looked past me and picked up the bracelet before putting on my hand and I locked the wrist watch on his. We did all of these with full concentration without breaking eye contact. He was meticulous with both his work and his woman.

He picked up both rings and gave his to me. He held out my marriage finger and slipped the ring in slowly as his gaze never left my face. After slipping the ring in he placed soft kisses on both the ring and the bracelet on my hand making me giggle.

I took out his hand and slipped the ring in staring at it proudly like I just acquired the most priceless possession.

He held me by the waist and drew me into him to close the space between us making his breath fan my face. This is getting a little bit intense- but Vera you're working so focus on the work.

He pecked my lips before smiling at me as we both walked out the stage together holding hands.

"Beautiful, beautiful work both of you, you know you're not done yet. Come over to the photo studio for the pictures and in a twinkle of an eye we'll be over for today" the director said to us with wide smiles that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Excellent performance guys, you both made it look so easy" the photographer said immediately we got to the photo studio.

After taking all the pictures I was first hand exhausted. The work took only five hours but these five hours drained the little life I had.

"Hey, Vera right?" The guy I worked with asked smiling at me

"Yeah" I replied trying so hard to smile cause of how exhausted I was.

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