➣ Chapter 14

Depuis le début

So when a red light came he , after a lots of contemplation said fuck it and placed his hand on the thigh stopping it from bouncing any more . Only when his hand came in contact with the younger's skin indirectly , did Taehyung realized the consequences of his actions as Jungkook looked back at him with wide doe eyes and he instantly retreated his hands , curshing himself inwardly for having no self-control.

"Stop...stop doing that it's....uh.. distracting" he muttered in a small voice before turning his head to the other side of the car looking out of the window taking in some fresh air on the process to calm his nerves down from the electric sparks he had felt just now .

Jungkook too averted his eyes to the window as his cheeks started heat up remembering the way the older's large hands engulfed the whole of his thigh. He can still feel the warm touch through his pants .

'Fuck stop stop' he screamed at his mind as it wouldn't listen to him and kept replaying the moment again and again.

Taehyung cleared his throat in a desperate attempt to clear some of the tension out of the room . 10 minutes into the silent drive and Jungkook can't help but peek glances at the olders hand which is resting on the wheel and think Just how good it felt...

"Jungkook ?"

"Yes uh yes ?" Jungkook snapped out of his dream after hearing his name  .

"We're here."  Taehyung announced pointing at the Cafe , they were now parked infront. He glanced down at his watch and he found that they still have 15 minutes before the meeting starts . Not knowing what to do Jungkook started to fidget with his fingers as Taehyung was taking a call ...

Jungkook overheard Taehyung saying a bunch of "its okay" on the phone .

"It's Mr. Lee , the client" Taehyung said after cutting the call , noticing the younger's curious look.

"He said he will be a little late . So shall we go and wait inside or do you want to stay here ?" Taehyung asked looking at the younger who was busy biting his lips .

"In..inside please" he stuttered. Taehyung sighed at that , Jungkook lowered his head thinking he might have disssapointed the older but surprising him Taehyung took a gentle hold of his chin and moved his face up towards him .

"Hey!! look at me . Okay ?" he said in a soft voice making the younger nod as he was too lost in the warm touch and the equally soft baritone voice .

"There's no need to be nervous . You've prepared really well and I'm sure you'll do well . And if he doesn't accept the deal then it's their loss anyways" Jungkook let out a giggle as the older rolled his eyes at the end of the sentence.

Taehyung felt his heart sore up at the sight of the younger giggling , his bunny teeths on display . He felt proud knowing he is the reason behind that bashful smile .

When Jungkook's laughter finally died down, he noticed the older looking at him with that intense gaze of his , making him gulp at the sight . His eyes turned rounder when the older forwarded his hands , nearing it to his face . Jungkooks eyes flashed back to the older's whose is looking back at him with the same intensity.

Taehyung's hand slowly went beside his face and brushed back a stray lock behind his ears .

Before he can comprehend what's happening Taehyung let go of his chin and retracted his hands . He cleared his throat, pulling Jungkook out of the maze he was in and got out of the car. Jungkooks eyes followed the older as he came to his side of the car and opened the door for him ,

"Come on" Jungkook nodded getting out of the car and the first thing he did is took a deep breath of the fresh air as whatever happened inside of the car , has genuinely taken his breath away . He then followed the CEO close by when they crossed the road and together they entered the Cafe.

"Reservation under Kim Taehyung" the CEO said to the receptionist who confirmed and showed them a four sitter table at the corner .

After waiting there for few more minutes Mr. Lee came and once again apologized for being late . The meeting started soon after that.

Throughout the meeting mostly , it's Jungkook speaking and answering questions regarding their deal . Taehyung occasionally stepping in whenever he needed to. Though most of the time he spent looking at the younger admirably as he presented the whole thing quite efficiently. Even Mr. Lee was visibly impressed with his skills . And Taehyung felt a different kind of proud for the younger .

After finishing the presentation Jungkook looked at Taehyung as in asking how was it ? Taehyung squeezed his hands under the table and he got the hint , as a beautiful smile took over his face replacing the nervous one from earlier.

The younger definitely aced the meeting and it became evident when Mr. Lee straight away signed the deal and before leaving he filled the younger with praises for his skills.

And once the man has left its only Taehyung and Jungkook sitting infront of each other .

"Before we go back, lets order something shall we ?" Taehyung asked looking at the younger.

"Sure" he nodded not seeing the reason why not .

So Taehyung ordered some lite breakfast for both of them. And they sat there beside each other in sillence while Sneaking glance here and there.

☆━━━☆ NOTE ☆━━━☆

Continuation of this in the next chapter.

Also ,

Our Taehyungie is always proud of his jungkookie be it real life or fiction


Thank you for reading !!

  ☆━━━━━━☆   ☆━━━━━━☆

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