The air grew heavy with a nauseating mix of dampness and decay as she ventured deeper. The creaking wooden stairs seemed to protest her descent, as if trying to dissuade her from what lay ahead.

As she turned a corner, her torch light revealed a gruesome scene that would forever haunt her psyche. In a dimly lit alcove, her brother, was hunched over a form sprawled on a crude, makeshift table. His sculpted frame was silhouetted against the flickering light, and in his hands, he clutched a grotesque meal.

Her brother's eyes gleamed with madness and primal hunger as he tore into the flesh with a savage desperation. Each bite was a nightmarish symphony of horror, accompanied by a sickening chorus of wet, tearing sounds and the crackling of bones. Blood dripped from his chin, forming gruesome patterns on the basement floor, like an artist's demented canvas.

The stench of fresh blood and raw meat hung thick in the air, suffocating the teen girl as she watched in stupefied horror. Flies buzzed around the macabre feast, adding a discordant note to the ghastly scene. Her torchlight quivered in her trembling hand, casting erratic shadows that danced on the basement's damp, moldy walls.

Tears streamed down her face as she grappled with a soul-shattering choice - to flee in terror, leaving her brother to his unspeakable madness in the basement's abyss, or to confront the unfathomable evil that had consumed him in this darkest of places.

Her brother's head snapped up, his eyes wild and crazed. The shock on his face mirrored the young woman's horror, but it was quickly replaced by a malevolent grin. He lunged at her, catching her before she could flee.

"Baby, my dear sister," he hissed, his voice dripping with madness, "You weren't supposed to see this."

Tears streamed down the teen girl's face as he dragged her through a narrow corridor and into the cellar, locking the heavy metal door behind them. The room was dimly lit by a single flickering bulb, casting eerie shadows on the damp, stone walls. In one corner, she glimpsed a pile of bones and tattered clothing, the remnants of previous victims.

"Oppa, please, you don't have to do this!" she begged, her voice trembling with fear.

Her brother paced the room like a predator, his eyes darting between her and the grotesque trophies that adorned the walls. "Oh, but I do, baby," he whispered, his voice filled with madness. "You've seen too much. You know my secret. And now, you'll be part of it."

After sometime

The girl stared at the grotesque offering her brother,  held in his hand - a freshly severed human heart. The dim light in the cellar flickered, casting eerie shadows on the gruesome scene.

"Baby" her brother hissed, his voice dripping with madness, "You look famished. It's time you join me."

The young woman's stomach churned at the horrifying sight before her, but she couldn't bring herself to accept the heart. Defiance welled up inside her, fueled by a desperate determination to maintain her humanity, no matter the cost.

"I won't do it, oppa " she whispered, her voice trembling but resolute. "I won't become like you." She said with confidence.

Her brother's grin faded, replaced by a cold, menacing glare. He approached her with slow, deliberate steps. In his eyes, madness raged like a storm.

"Very well," he said, his tone dripping with malice, "If you won't comply willingly, you leave me no choice."

With that, he dragged her to a corner of the cellar and shackled her to the cold  wall. Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized the punishment her brother had in store for her. She had defied him, but at what cost? The cellar's haunting darkness now seemed even more suffocating, and her fight for survival had taken a new, sinister turn. He relished in tormenting her, not just physically, but emotionally as well.

As the young lady sat shackled to the cold wall, her eyes began to adjust to the darkness. She couldn't escape the gruesome details of her surroundings. The walls bore stains of past horrors, and the pungent odor of decay seemed to seep into her very soul.

Lifeless bodies hung from meat hooks along one wall, their vacant eyes staring into the abyss. Their twisted limbs and contorted expressions told stories of unimaginable suffering. Her heart ached with pity for these innocent souls, victims of her brother's madness.

She couldn't help but feel disgusted by the gruesome tableau that surrounded her. The remnants of previous victims lay scattered across the floor, mingling with dried blood and tattered clothing. The cellar was a chamber of horrors, and she was trapped at its heart.

Her brother, reveling in her discomfort, continued his sadistic games. He paced the room like a predator, his eyes fixed on her, relishing her torment. Every step he took sent shivers down her spine, and every word he spoke was laced with malice.

"You see, baby," he sneered, "this is the world you've stumbled into. This is the reality you wanted to avoid by not eating. But you can't escape it." He said with a innocent smile. the scene before Taehyung's eyes faded away like a dream as it is.

End of the dream......

Taehyung awoke with a start, his heart racing and his brow damp with cold sweat. He had been plagued by nightmares for a month,  dreams that were always hazy and filled with dread. In these dreams, he witnessed a young woman enduring unspeakable torment in this cruel world. The woman's face had always been obscured, but tonight was different.

Tonight, he had seen her clearly, and to his shock, he realized it was .........

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