12. Unfolding Past

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Mature and triggering mentions from the past. Do not proceed if uncomfortable.



After trying my best to remove the filth of Chang Wook's touches on my body in the shower and somehow swallowing up the food that Jungkook made with so much affection, although wanting to throw up at the exact next moment, I'm finally here, sitting beside Jungkook on the couch in utter silence.

After a few seconds, he exhales sharply when none of us initiate the conversation and folds his legs up on the couch, turning towards me and faces my side.

I do not dare to make an eye contact with him and keep my eyes down on my lap, biting my lips nervously and waiting for him to flood me with unanswered questions.

"y/n," Jungkook starts in a weighty voice, the one which is heard only when he's talking about work. In short when he is freaking serious. 'Wow, no way to escape. Fuck my life.' I think to myself but answer him in an unsure voice, still avoiding his dark orbs "Umm... yeah."

He leans towards me and takes my hands in his warm and huge ones. "First, tell me why are you so nervous? Do you want me to get some ice cream to refresh your mood? We can talk while eating." He offers what he knows, always gets me, but today has been way to hilarious to be counted as 'usual'.

The corner of my lips lift up in a smile at him trying to lighten the heaviness in the air but I tell him the truth, "I would have gladly accepted that but right now, unless you want me to throw up on your face, let the ice cream rest in the freezer."

He slightly chuckles at my statement but soon the smile turns into a small, reassuring one and he finally mentions the main point of concern. "So, if you're okay with it, would you like to tell me something about what has happened in your past or absolutely anything that makes you feel even a bit unconfined. It will make me so happy if you open up to me, you know that right?"

I give him a genuine smile at his attempt to get me comfortable and put forth my thoughts.

"Mr. Jeo-" He interrupts me before I can even start. "First of all, call me Jungkook. We are all alone for God's sake and it's not like we are discussing work here. It's a serious conversation going on so don't you even dare to contradict me on such a small thing. Now go on, speak."

I unwillingly nod, not wanting to get him mad when his dominant aura is already making my palms sweat. "Okay, so Jungkook, I just wanted to tell you that I'm ready. I'm ready to face any questions that you have, anything you want to know, because believe me, I haven't found myself to trust someone so deeply, like I do in your case, for a long time. I just don't know where to start, so tell me what exactly do you want to know about?"

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