4. First Mission

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"Drink this, your throat must be dry." I offer the energy drink to Jungkook, while the other assistants are taking care of their assigned members. "Yeah, thanks." he smiles at me while still panting and sweating from the excessive dance practice. He throws his hair back from his forehead and takes a hold of the bottle. He gulps down the liquid and hands the bottle back to me.

"Take a break" The choreographer states," but I want all of you right back here after an hour for the second practice stretch. Alright?" He asks. "Alright", everyone answers in a unison.

"And you two-", Namjoon diverts his eyes towards the duo of Jungkook and Jimin and continues, "if you do not enter this building on time tomorrow, get ready to tackle me. You are very well aware that I'm capable of breaking your neck and handing your skull to your own hand. So be on time, get it?" Namjoon threatens them with a spine shivering description of their punishment for getting late.

"Yes, hyung." both the concerned people answer with a pout. "OK, it's our departure for now" finally says, the sunshine, Hoseok, after grinning on the threats which he somehow finds funny but which blew my mind at the mere thought of it.



I get up as soon as my body gains consciousness after the alarm rings, without letting the laziness engulf my body once again.

Today, I'm determined to get Jungkook ready on time so that I can prove to the boss as well as the members that I am a capable candidate for this job. This is the reason why, yesterday night, I set the alarm for an hour earlier than usual. 

I take the shower, dress up, fix my hair and makeup and leave the house in a rush to reach Jungkook's without wasting anymore time on breakfast.


As soon as I reach his apartment, I press the call bell but hear no signs of life inside. I keep ringing the bell for about five more times but still hear nothing. I take my phone out and dial his number, not wanting to misuse the knowledge of his pin and barge into his privacy on my first official day at his house.

As soon as the phone rings inside the house, I hear sudden shuffling noises with heavy steps becoming louder and clearer after each passing second. Suddenly a loud and painful groan is emitted by someone and then the door opens revealing a just-woken-up Jungkook, in a grey oversized T-shirt and sweatpants, with messy hair.

I would have taken my sweet time to appreciate and admire the raw beauty in front of my eyes but I stop myself from drooling. This is definitely not the time, y/n.

I gasp looking at him, thinking how to get him ready in such less time while he is busy rubbing his right thigh which he must have hit onto something on his way to open the door with those sleepy eyes.

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