Chapter 31- when will life go back to what it was

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Priscilla POV

Anxiety and karma always seems to follow me no matter where I travel to. Cruel negates those feelings. Well when he's around, that's what Cruel usually does. Cruel gives the cheesy rainbows and fluffy cheese balls, and has me imagining us riding on a black unicorn and sailing the sunsets together. There's problems I wish I could help him with. But he barely lets me in..... he used to...?

    Before....... My sister became full on Cruella again. Cruel was more open, more polite, daring, somewhat rebellious, maybe not too much of a skank. But he still cared about the world; of what others thought. Now he just... he just is a drop out, smokes, does drugs, mainly for work and to help with his mums fashion business.     

    But... smoking and doing heroine and meth for me relieves stress and worry for me...? Not suggesting this because it's not healthy. Personally am wanting to quit this shit. But. What if cruel never gets out of this? What if I never get out? we always had this plan of running away together! Isn't that cute? Not that I'm super girly or anything.

Black is a pretty cool color. Sorry that was random.

Ooh yay, cruel is walking in.

"Hey baby" cruel looked at me with a sparkle and glint in his eyes. Brought home Dalmatians and lifted me in the air.

Mother Dearest (a cruella fanfiction/ 101 Dalmatians/ a future cruella sequel )Where stories live. Discover now