Chapter 10: coming home! wait would it even be my home?

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Author's note: ^^((Hi just a quick note, this is the newest and latest chapter I have updated!! Please read, vote, comment, follow me if you have any recommendations, ideas, comments that you have, want to get to know me or just anything. Thank you for the 600 and so reads you my followers mean a lot and the reads make my days better. Soooo let's keep the Cruella hype going and as well as Let's spread the word and get past 1ook reads ~🥰🥰 I love you all))

Chapter 10: Coming Home! Wait... Would it even be my home?:

The baroness caused a prison riot. having her fashionably ghetto high heels and her green jumper they made a scene as well as her heels the points of them ended up clicking against the grotesque concrete floor. Developing a smile on her way out, she had tasered another threshold of guards on the way out. Once the baroness had escaped and made her way back out into the fresh air; she felt her calling. Yet, closing her eyes and inhaling the finest cold and clarets entity of all; air, cold air.

'Gosh it has been a while since I've been free like this. Would estella approve? then again Cruella is estella. what a peculiar grubby woman. Oh wait, that woman is/ was my daughter. Hopefully the manor still awaits. Ooh wait Cruella probably took over the rights'

the baroness strictly thought to herself. Seeing her sidekick also known as her double agent , she smiled and shouted, "oh there is that gorgeous apprentice I've missed !!" the baroness hugged her with openly gracious arms.

Little did Cruella know of this sort, the baroness developed a double agent outside of the jail walls. this woman who was around Cruella's age was astute and always had a addiction with all the latest trends, gossip, rumors, things that could get you stoned, high, amusement parks was one of them.

it was like a drug to this young woman. Just like how Cruella has a flare for the rebellious and deep dark intrusive tendencies. She had the flare of adrenaline driving her; that spark, the glint.

This woman Cruella ; she well does not know of her existence. For the double agent is her younger half sister. little does she know.

"Hello mother." The 16 year old girl laughed and was sending off maniacal vibes. smirking a evil & mischievous grin of her own, she grabbed her mother's hand; Waltzing backwards as they spoke.

"Ready to get our home back?" She winked at the baroness who is also HER MOTHER.

The baroness was ablaze, the soles of her feet frozen to the grassy ground; unable to move out of place. "Yes my darling Priscilla, I am extremely obliged and ready to snake those grubby rats out of Hellman manor.

Mother Dearest (a cruella fanfiction/ 101 Dalmatians/ a future cruella sequel )Where stories live. Discover now