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Randy's American Diner. It has been a part of Red City since the city's inception. There were other places people could eat in but this one, it's located in a place where no other restaurants, fast food or Italian, could compete with it. The space was all theirs.

Randy Kellen lived in the UK his whole life. He has always wanted to become a chef. He would cook different types of food from different nationalities around the world: Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, food is his passion. Any food he wants to cook, he cooks. Not just for the hungry people but for himself. It was until he went to US for a short holiday, he went into a diner, he tried all of their menus in different days. Rather than going to other places to eat, an American diner was one that garnered his interest. He loved the way they cook and the food they delivered. But of course, the way their chefs cook was what attracted him to come back to the UK and at one day, make it own Diner, for people in the UK to eat in.

There's only one in the UK, it's mostly located in Red City. And thankfully, Jen and Danny have already made it to the diner.

Danny looking at this funny chef guy who he thinks resembles Mario from the Nintendo video games he used to play when he was a child. Jen doesn't see this statue of this chef guy that way but Danny knows where he's coming from.

"Look at it. This is amazing. I'm so ready for the food." Jen didn't really catch what Danny said, she continues to stare at the diner with amazement and astonishment.

"Jen... Jen!! Are you even listening to me?" Danny noticed she wasn't listening to what he said. Her attention was on the diner. Just can't take in a few words over what she is seeing.

"Jen... Jen!! Wake up!! Snap out of your own trance" Jen does and looks at Danny.

"Oh sorry Danny. Shall we go inside?" Danny sighs in relief, hoping she would say that. 

"Yes, thank you. I've been waiting for you to not daydream or even stop looking at the building that we're going to go inside in." Danny and Jen walks inside. Once inside, Danny almost gets hit by someone who was speeding past by him in roller skates.

Looking around inside, they noticed that a lot of the staff members are wearing roller skates. It can be understandable as the size of the diner is big, it's enough to fit a lot of people, but they would need to be fast to serve a lot of people. One staff member, a young looking guy, notices them and rushes to them with his own roller skates, getting there in a few seconds.

"Hello, how many people?"

Jen responds, "Table for two." The guy smiles at them before getting their menus for them. 

"Brilliant, I will take you both to your tables." Jen laughs and they both follow the guy to their tables. Reaching to their tables, it's big. All of the tables are big. There are some that would fit in 10 people to come together as a group. For a birthday party, a group meeting between students or a group of friends, there's a lot of reasons. The table Danny and Jen will be sitting on could help fit in four people but they could use the space they have for their tables to fit in their meals.

"Okay, so if you need anything, I'll be your guy for the table. Right now you're in table number 34. So that means I'll be your table." Jen smirks at him, a little funny to be precise on his delivery.

"Our table?" The guy seems a little nervous. Danny can tell he hasn't been working in this diner for too long.

"Yes uhh. Your table. The one both of you are sitting in now. Anyways, if you need anything, just reach my attention. And when you're ready to order give me a heads up. I'm your guy." Jen finds him funny.

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