First Day

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3pm, Danny's first day of school is over. Coming out of the classroom, he walks around. Looking around everyone talking, playing in their skateboards inside the school hallways. And all of them coming out. In the cafeteria, he sees a queue of students lining up. All lined up because the cafeteria itself by afternoon is detention for students who caused a lot of trouble. Not the best place to go to. Feels empty inside and students are not allowed to talk there, the only thing they could do there is do the homeworks that have been given to them by their teachers. Extra trouble they do during detention would lead to them reaching another day of detention, hell make it longer, the length of the time.

Not wanting to think about it, he comes out of the door. From there, he can see a lot of people outside. Some of them are getting picked up by their families, friends... mostly the older friends they hang out with.

Danny wished he could get picked up by Jen but she's too busy with her class. She finishes class by 4:30pm and she would have to take another long drive back to get back. Bus transportation is the only thing he would get. His sister paid for the Swift cards they hand out for people who need to use transportation. Benefits of having this includes free transport.

He stops for a bit, breathing the air. It's sunny with blue skies and white clouds outside. The perfect weather for the day. Taking in the amazing weather. He closes his eyes, his way of finding peace in himself after a good first day of school...

"Hey." The peace was interrupted as someone calls him. Unexpected, Danny doesn't want to look as he just wants to go back home.

"Hey, it's me. Remember our first class when we were together and Larry was teaching us English there." Danny doesn't even want to give him a look. He doesn't really want to talk to him, finding him weird and also annoying. Wanting to go to him all the time, just to talk to him. But it's hard to not deny what he wants to talk about. From his voice, hearing it, he seems to have a Scottish accent. He has met people who have Scottish accents before. Learning through how they speak, he was able to understand what they were able to say. Some people find it hard to understand what they are saying in that kind of accent. Danny took the time and liberty to learn and understand it.

"I did. But what do you want?" Danny was able to avoid him after the first lesson has ended. The guy would keep looking at him when they both sat together. He stared at Danny once the first lesson was over. Wanting to catch up to him but he was gone in a split second once the guy was out of the room. It didn't upset him but he felt lonely.

"Oh nothing. Just... wanting to check up on you."

"Check up on me. That's what you want to do. You ran all the way from whatever lesson you had just to catch up with me. Seems like you had to rush through to find me."

"No, no, no mate. It's not like that. You know... it's the first day of school, I just wanted to get to know you. When I see a new student, I would want to get to know that person... you know what, it's a long story." Danny nods his head.

"Yeah." Silence erupts between the two. He wants to say something to Danny but Danny... doesn't want to say something to him. Feeling a little shy to talk to him. Through silence, he thinks, thinking for a bit.

"Hey... I want to ask you something." Whatever the question is, Danny's all ears. But he doesn't know what to say to him. He keeps quiet.

"There's this city centre that's just nearby. It's filled with amazing restaurants... restaurants you shouldn't miss in your time in Red City. Attractions like adventure mini golf, lets get competitive. Me vs you mate." Danny doesn't know what to say about this. He's completely new to Red City but all he's thinking is about going home. Back home. Take a rest, even start doing the homeworks his teachers gave him to do for the day. He notices the silence Danny is giving him. Still wanting to convince him to come with him for the remainder of the day.

"Come on. Just us. It'll be fun. And if you don't want to, I'm okay with that. I guess I'll go there by myself." Danny, appalled by his response and the way he said that, Danny starts to feel a bit of guilt, coursing through his veins.

The guy decides to walk away from him, till Danny taps onto his shoulder. "You know... I still got time left. I'll come with you."

"What really. You want to come with me." The first time someone said yes to him. He tried to invite people to hang out with him, make some new friends there. But they seem to reject his response. Giving him an excuse that they need to be with their parents, wanting to do their homework before it reaches the deadlines or be by themselves at home. But their real responses were to hang out with other people and to avoid him. Something he couldn't wake himself up for. He uses social media. He would see people he would invite and see what they're doing.

"I still got time free time left so why not. I'll come with you." He hugs Danny. Danny doesn't hug him back, finding it awkward for him to hug him.

"I'm so happy right now pal. Let's go."

"Oh... kay." He follows him.

The only way for them to get to the city centre is by using one of the bus transportation. The number bus they would take is 43. 17 stops, going to be a long ride for the both of them to make it to the city centre.

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