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"You can stay at my place as long as you want." Amy said. The house the siblings live isn't really safe anymore. It's too dangerous now. The figure could still be there and now, possibly waiting for them, wishing them back so he can satisfy his needs and intentions for the both of them.

"Thank you Amy. I really appreciate it." Said Jen. Happy to know Danny's friends are willing to provide a safe haven for them.

Danny looks at Jen. "At this point, something is definitely weird about the house." Jen looks at Danny. She can't disagree with him about it. He's completely right about it.

"And not just that, Joe made a theory on who this figure could be. But Joe, even if so, I'm not sure if it's even true. It's still a theory."

Joe nods. "Yes Danny, I know. But it's better to look further into it."

Jen starts to remember something. From a time when she picked up Danny from school. Remembering Tom next to him. The way he was acting before she parked her car in front of the school to pick him. "I do find him weird Danny. He doesn't seem like the type of 'friend' you should be with." Danny nods his head, up and down. Rather than speaking in full sentences. Before...

"And I'm wondering why the solicitors you told me about, all the time, would sell that house to you?" This bothers Danny a bit. Selling a house that is probably easy for people to break into or is possibly haunted.

"Well the question you just asked is now in my head. That's a good question."

"Whatever is happening in this house, can't be left ignored. Cause the next family or couple who buy this house, will suffer the same problem we have. And we can't let that happen." Said Danny. Amy and Joe agree. He's completely right about it.

Jen thinks about it for the moment. "I'll call the solicitors, ask if I can come visit them so that I can ask them questions, gain information about this house, even learn more about the previous residents who live in the building before us." Danny nods.

Joe moves himself a bit further towards them. "We'll do the same."

"Even if your theory proves to be true or not, regardless, I'm happy you guys are here." Amy and Joe smile at him.

"Hey man, we're here for you and your family. Nothing will come across us."

"Alright then, seems like we'll be conducting our own investigations on this house. And whatever we gain from our investigation, I hope it's all worth it." His friends and Jen nod their heads agreeing with him.

Danny remembers something from school before Tom found him and they both walk to their classes. "Guys, do you remember Jane?" Amy and Joe knows her.

"Yeah. We do."

"She looked a bit bothered when I mentioned Tom. It's like she knows something about him. And thinking of the situation me and my sister are in now, seeing Jen being bothered when I mentioned Tom is starting to bother me." Amy and Joe look at each other. They're surprised over why she would act like that. It's like she knew him for a while.

"It might be great if we talk to her. Learn why she was like that when I mentioned Tom to her. And then, we'll call Howard..." Jen becomes confused as she looks at Danny.

"Who's Howard?"

"Howard... oh he's a guy me and my friends met while we were outside. He was our uber driver back home... and the last person to live in our house." Jen, shocked and surprised over what she has just heard. Knowing Danny has met the previous resident of their house.

"Doesn't matter, right now, let's just focus on getting our situation resolved. So that we can move on and focus on the future." He looks at Jen. Staring at each other. "And we'll make sure whoever killed Gary doesn't get away with this." Jen smiles.

Three people goes inside Jen's room. Three people; two males, one female. That could be Amy and Joe's parents as they come to pick Danny's friends up from the hospital.

"You must be Danny's sister. I'm sorry about what happened to you."

"I'll be okay. And thank you for coming." The man smiles. He goes to Amy. He's Amy's dad. The other two people are Joe's parents.

Amy focuses her attention onto her dad. "Could we let those two sleep in our house?" Jen and Danny look at Amy. They don't want to bother him and his daughter too much. Hell, they don't want Danny's friends to become more involved in the situation they are at now.

Fortunately, Amy's dad doesn't mind. "It's fine. You two are free to stay in our house as long as you like." He smiles at them. Feeling safe, the siblings smile back at Amy's dad. They appreciate Amy and her dad for helping dad, making sure that they are safe.

Amy, Joe and their parents decides to leave the siblings along for a couple of minutes where Amy's dad will wait for the siblings to come out of the room once Jen is allowed to leave, while Joe's parents will drop their son home.

Danny goes to Jen as she hugs him, passionately and lovingly. "Everything is going to be okay little bro." As he smiles towards what she has said.

"I hope so."

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