The Boy in the House

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Two toys, all representing superheroes. One featuring Spider Man, another featuring the Hulk. All action figures, being held by someone's hands. Moving them around.

A little boy. Enjoying his action figures, waving his hands all around them. Imitating the film, Avengers. Those action figures, he was able to buy them from a nearby shop, with the one person he loves and misses the most. Just a few minutes away. His mom never allowed him to play with those toys. They're against him doing that but he's able to hid it from them. Knowing if they found out about it, it would be the end of him.

"Max!!" Unable to hear where it's coming from. Continuing playing with his action figures.

"MAX!!!" Loud roar coming from downstairs. Finally attracting his attentions but giving him a jump, over what he just heard. Opening the door and rushing downstairs. Closing the door before deciding to look who's outside his room.

His mom. Her face filled with lots of pimples, broken, yellow, crooked teeth and an overweight body as she looks at him in a furious manner.

"I need you to take out the trash." Making Max confused.

"But mom, the garbage man picks them up on Fridays. Today is Wednesday." The mom, throwing something from her hands, onto him. Barely missed.

"I don't fucking care, I want you to take out the trash and put it away from our house. Fucking simple!! Got it!!" The object she threw. Not glass but definitely hard. Freezing him but all he could do was respond to her with a simple yes.

Going downstairs, now done looking at her little boy. Max returns to his room. Looking at his favourite toys.

"Well Spider Man, I guess it's time you go back inside your home." By home, he carries his action figures, approaching the closet, moving the clothes away from each other. In front of him. A switch. Clicking onto it, opening something in front of him.

A door of some kind. Going inside, stairs below he walks as he descends down. Making it below, flicking another switch. Opening the lights. Revealing an organized room filled with toys, pictures and book collections. Photos with his dad. Tidying up all of his toys, as the picture of his dad, looking at him, forwards.

Doesn't take a lot of time for him to tidy everything up. Just needing to put them in the toy cupboard. His mom has never seen this place before. Max and his dad were the only ones who discovered it. His dad would never do what his mom does to him. He's always there for him, giving him everything he wanted, cooking him his favourite roast turkey dinner. That's until, in his ownmind, he never came back from it. That's what he heard from his mum.

Continuing to tidy everything up... "MAX, TRASH!!" Causing him to drop the last toys from his hand. Looking up, he groans but he never chooses to do so in front of her. No response from him, he picks up the last toys in his hands, opening the cupboard, putting them inside.

Before leaving, picks up the photo, dropped when from being scared of his mom's voice. Picking it up, featuring his dad and himself. Sigh, he puts it back into display. Going upstairs before pressing the switch for the door, Max's own closet door again. Closing it. Before walking out of his room. Going downstairs, seeing his mom, in the living room. The living room, filled with cans of beer and whiskey. Drinking a cup of Jack Daniels, quickly sipping it fast. Looking at her, he walks away.

Inside the kitchen, removing the black bag from the bin. It's really heavy. Struggling, as he reaches the back door. The key, already inserted into the door, but remains opened. Not locked. Easy enough for him he thinks.

Opening the door, he's now outside. Putting the trash bag in a new bin. Opening the bin, it stinks. Insects flying all around it. Wanting to cover his nose but couldn't, he puts the trash bag inside the bin. Insects now flying all over him. Waving them away from his face before closing the lid. The bin completely shut. Moving out of the backyard, leaving the bin in front of the house, far away from the house, for the garbage guys to collect.

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