Three Little Piggies

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Danny was able to wake up, returning to his normal self. When Jen dropped him inside, he was able to talk to her, in his normal tone. Despite this, he doesn't really want Jen to ask him any questions about what he had to go through last night. And also, he couldn't see what was causing all the noises outside. Jen however before she let him off to the school, would ask him about some of the damages she has seen. He would answer her questions honestly but it wasn't really a lot to get through with. Not wanting to bother him anymore, she lets him off as he walks to the school, happy and normal.

While walking to his first lesson; a PE lesson where they will be playing Dodgeball and also jogging for 12 straight minutes, he starts looking for Tom. Wanting to see if he's there, needing someone to talk to right now. His class doesn't start in 30 minutes. He's really early this time. Being early at this time allows students to talk to their friends or if they have any problems, talk to their teachers. The teachers in this school are glad to help them with any queries they have in their minds.

He looks around. Hoping Tom is there somewhere. As he continues to do so...

"Hey." Danny turns his head to where he heard that person call to him. Looking at her is Jane. She looks and smiles at him.

"Oh hey. Good to see you again."

"Yeah how was yesterday? Did you have a good time?" asked Jane curiously.

"It was. Had a good day yesterday. The teachers in there are really nice. Really good at what teaching me... and everyone in the class."

"I'm glad to hear that." She smiles. And Danny starts to feel a bit downed. Tom gave him the best time of his life. Only to end it with a nightmarish evening, something that would take a lot longer to get rid of.

"Are you feeling okay?" She can see from his face, his expressions that Danny is pretending to be happy. Happy that he had a good day but it's the fact that he doesn't want to tell Jane about what happened last night.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just looking for my friend Tom. He studies in this school." When he said that, Jane looks at him with a bit of a curious, concerned look.


"Yeah Tom. He told me a little bit about you when we first met. And also your name."

"Oh funny. Yeah he knows me. But..." She stops for a minute.

"But what?"

"We don't really talk to each other. That much." Danny becomes a little confused about this.

The way Tom talks about her, it's like he knows her and that she would also know about him too. Once Danny mentioned his name, he didn't really expect her to be surprised by it.


"Yeah. Did he tell you that we know each other?" "Yes. Yes he did."

Danny's PE lesson is about to start in 10 minutes. He needs to find the sports hall which is where it will be taking place in. He does want to know about Tom more through Jane. Seems like something is going on about him.

"Jane, could we talk about that later at some point because I need to know where the sports hall is?" Jane snaps out of her trance for a bit, agreeing to show him where it is. The sports hall is located outside of the school. It's not that far but it's sometimes where some of the boys would play basketball in.

They both walk as he follows. Going past the hallway before making it to the end of the door. Going outside, Jane would point out where the sports hall is.

"There's a door at the very far right of where you're going." Danny asks her to repeat it again which she does.

Getting the directions, he follows where he needs to go.

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