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His hands on his mouth, trying to breath well. Not fast. His legs quietly stomping on the ground.

Up and down. 

Up and down. 

Up and down.

Alongside Danny are Amy and Joe. Sitting between them. They're in the hospital. Beeping noises coming from other rooms in this place. Becoming uneased over what he's hearing. Wanting everything to be silent. Quiet. No talking. That's all he wants.

The only thoughts in his head are the two people he could think about; Jen and Gary.
Amy rubs Danny's shoulder. Comforting him. "They're going to be okay Danny." Danny gives Amy a quick, worried look.

"I hope so." Joe's eyes are mostly on Danny. He wants to say something to him but scared whatever he wants to say, could cause Danny to lose control. Lose the calm composure he's trying to maintain in himself.

Until he couldn't hold it. No matter the situation his best friend is in, he really wants to say something to him. "Do you think Tom and this mysterious figure you came across in your house... could be connected?" Danny looks at Joe. Becoming confused on what he meant by that. Nevertheless, Joe is up to something. Something just popped in his head and he's willing to share it to Danny, knowing Danny is the only person who lives in this house. And probably seen that figure before.

"Joe I don't think this is the perfect time to talk about it."

"I know but I just want to state some weird facts that been going in my head ever since we been in this place for... 40 minutes. Danny, you told me you stabbed the figure on the neck and which side of the neck did you stab the figure in?" Danny doesn't have a clear memory of it. Knowing he got knocked out fast from the figure's strong punch.

Trying to remember, get his memory clear. Before getting a clear picture on where he hit the figure. "On the left side." Similar to the fresh wound Tom has.

"And yet, the stab wound on Tom's neck is on that side. That's something I noticed and something I asked, but all he said was that he fell off his bike. But the way he said it felt... shady. It's like he's trying to come up with a better lie in order to avoid the truth."

"And your point is?" Danny and Amy asks.

"Usually, when a person lies, they do it to keep the truth a secret. And they have many reasons why they want to keep the truth a secret. One because it's embarrassing, two they may intentions that prove to be dangerous, horrifying or fatal or three, maybe because the person is into another person but not in a good way. That's something I noticed from Tom when me and Amy lastseen him in school. He even went violent on Amy that eventually caused my handsome looks to go away. Don't you think it's all connected somehow?" With what Joe has just said, the thought of Tom being in his house, that seems to be a lot. Unsure if it could be true. Danny struggles to comprehend that.

A doctor comes out of a room on the right side. Approaching the trio. Danny looks at the doctor. Noticing he came out of the room. He walks to him. "Hey Danny. I have news. But it's not good." The trio look at each other with worry. Scared what he's going to say next. "What happened? How's Jen? How's Gary!!"

The doctor calms him down, noticing how Danny starts to panic over his questions. But the emotion he gives the trio, isn't good, enough to frighten them. "Let's sit on the chair." Something the trio does not want to do but agrees. They walk back to the chair before taking their seats.

"Jen is fine. She's suffering a small concussion on her head." That's really good to hear from the doctor. Jen, his sister, all perfectly fine. Despite the fall, the damage it caused to her head wasn't serious.

"What about Gary?" Danny asks. The doctor, not giving an immediate answer, not making it look hopeful for the trio.

"His injuries, they were too serious. The injuries and the damages inflicted on him is too much that... he couldn't make it." The trio, in utter shock over what they just heard. Danny, the most affected. What he had just heard.

"I'm... I'm sorry what do you mean he didn't make it?" Before Amy goes to Danny. Touching his shoulder. Putting her head down before raising herself up, focusing her eyes onto him.

"He's gone Danny. That's what he's trying to say." In disbelief, he puts her hands on his head. Holding back his tears, refusing to show it to his friends and the doctor next to him. All his friends could do was stare at him. No words, no interruptions. Gary, a nice lad he met in the diner, who took care of his sister, made her smile, made her laugh, now he's gone.

Danny focuses his head onto the doctor. "Can I see Jen?" The doctor agrees. He shows him to her room as Amy and Joe follow.

Going inside the room, they see Jen. Jen noticing the trio coming inside the room, smiles at them. Danny immediately approaches her, giving her a big hug. Jen, hugs back, wrapping her arms all around him. Unable to hold his tears, he lets go. Not wailing loudly, keeping it quiet. Jen notices this as her eyes gives a quick glance on his face, noticing something watery coming out of his eyes, making her worry for him.

"Is everything okay little bro?" Danny, not wanting to let go of Jen, remaining still. "Yeah... yeah I'm okay."

She focuses her eyes on Amy and Joe. Something is off from their emotions. Enough to bother her a bit. "Oh you two okay."

Both hesitate. What they heard from the doctor, wishing to keep it hidden, not wanting to hurt the family's feelings further. No heartbreaks. "We're good. We're just worried about you."

"What happened last night worried us a lot?" Jen smiles.

"I appreciate it."

The doctor decides to leave. Before leaving, Jen stops the doctor.

"Could you call Amy and Joe's parents? To come pick them up." The doctor nods. No response. Assuring Jen that it'll be done. He leaves. Leaving the kids and the big sister inside the room.

"Jen, I was so worried about you. Like really... really worried about you." Jen hugs Danny deeper.

"Oh little bro. I won't go away that easily." She gives Danny a quick kiss on the top of his head, making him smile as the hugging continued.

Amy and Joe become happy seeing the two together. Now that Jen is fine and safe. "How's Gary?" The moment was gone. A small glimpse of happiness turns into hesitation, unsure whether to tell her the condition of Gary, as Gary is no more.

The trio look at each other. Unsure how they should say it to her. Jen, noticing what's going on, causing her to feel uneased about it. Making her worry for Gary even more. "Why are you all acting like that?" Danny looks at her again. A look, making Jen more worried.

"Is Gary ok? Is he safe? That's all I want to know. Danny... please, just tell me." In a worried tone.

Danny looks at his friends. They nod at him, giving him the approval to tell her what happened to the man. A handsome, kind man who is now nothing but a broken, mutilated figure. "Gary didn't make it."

Jen, in disbelief, refusing to believe it. What she heard from Danny, she struggles to comprehend it. "How could he be gone? He was still breathing."

"I know I know but... the doctor... he told me his injuries were too serious. Other than broken bones and blood loss, he suffered severe brain damage. That's what the doctor told me when he was leading me, Amy and Joe to you. Because of it, he's gone..." Jen, refusing to believe it, but it's too much for her. As she lets her feelings out, tears coming out of her eyes as she wails loudly. She puts her head towards Danny as she cries.

Danny, tries to hold his own tears once more, not wanting to cry again. Gary was the best person they have ever met. "I'm sorry Jen... I'm so sorry." Amy and Joe go to Jen as well. Joe putting his hands on Jen's back as Amy also hugs Jen as well. Comforting her all together.

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