Start from the beginning

With a smile on his lips he proceeds to hear what Jiyi has to say. The stories consisted of various incidents, accidents, persons and things.

Starting from how Yeonjun slipped on a banana peel he threw himself, how the sparrows didn't listen to her while studying, how the bubbles in bubble bath weren't as big as they usually are to how the aunties have forced feed her for the days and what not. A happy heart, happy mind and smiley face is all that needs to make him feel elated.

Happily striding through the hallway after putting Jiyi to sleep, for the afternoon nap, he meets his colleagues in the meeting room. Work starts and continues till it is time to go to the next destination of work.

Bidding everyone goodbye as per his habit the submissive alpha proceeds to meet his baby. On entering her room, he finds the other concentrating in her studies with Yeonjun by her side helping her to understand a poem.

Tae: "I came to say bye Jiyi." He voices and very expectedly receives the attention of both. Jiyi forwards her hands to hug the submissive alpha for the last time in a day. Just a hug doesn't seem enough but, none of them have a choice. Not yet at the least.

After sharing a warm comforting hug the pair smiles and awaits the meeting of the next day.

A young omega stands by the staircase, wearing a t-shirt of his size with his trousers. His hair wet, indicating he just had a bath, slopes down his forehead covering his eyes partially.

The short figure gazes downstairs at the couch, where his mate sits absent mindedly, thinking of something, body slouched, shoulders freely resting, forehead creased as if having all the troubles of the mortal world pressuring his existence.

He sighs and proceeds towards the other. It is not new, but it hurts to see his mate the way he is at the moment. Since the day the submissive alpha has stepped outside the house, Jungkook has started showing the signs of extreme pressure. Often at nights he found him in the living room, staring blankly at the room ahead, as if being possessed by a devil.

Sleepless nights, muffled screams, unexpressed frustrations have all taken a toll on him. Everything, every trace of unruly emotion for the submissive alpha who gave up on praying to him.

Upon reaching the other, the young omega tenderly rubs his back and voices in the most gentle tone possible, "koo? You need to take a shower."

As if thunderstruck, Jungkook's body jolts up on hearing someone. His deep trance of thought is broken.

Jk: "What?" With tired eyes, in a hoarse voice the dominant alpha confusedly voices. Unfocused gaze, still being unable to break through the dense pit of thoughts he missed the words that were delivered to him. The sentence is repeated to him in a similar gentle manner. " Have you showered kook?"

Jk: "Yes."

The clock ticks to 4:30 in the morning. With skillful application of his mind, the omega, yeon has managed to make the other fall asleep. Sleeping pills mixed in a glass of warm water did his work.

His mate sleeps peacefully up in the bedroom, after several sleepless nights. But, sleep doesn't give him the privilege to be greeted by rest. Still unblinking, neither drowsy, nor subconscious, he sits in the couch thinking of his life. And the next step.

Somewhere in his conscience, he is sad seeing his mate being a broken person. He is in agony with how the life itself is taking a toll on Jungkook. His mind wanders off, where did it all start? From the time Jungkook started being dazed man? Or was it when tae went away? Was it when they were perfectly fine before? They forgot the other was left in dark, when they were bathing in the light.

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