Scrap Baby vs. Izuku and Co, The Forgotten

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Izuku launched himself at super speed towards the unknown animatronic and the machine blocks his punch with her claw before kicking him away. Izuku points his hand as he shoots a beam of electrical energy and the animatronic does the same, colliding them together and it makes a shockwave. Shigaraki and Kurogiri step back a few feet while Aizawa runs to Katsumi and rips off his sleeve and ties it around her arm stump to stop the bleeding. An explosion erupts as the animatronic and Izuku back away from each other.

Izuku: "I won't let you harm them!"

Scrap Baby: "Why not? We are built for a purpose. Yet you don't take the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of our evolution. The animatronic you inhabit was built to be a friend for a simple child that died of a car crash, then it's creator, overcome by rage, relentlessly attacked and destroyed it and only to be repaired by Fazbear Entertainment. After an employee told the old machine to rip heads and other body parts off of other animatronics, it turned its attention to humans. The moment it spilled blood, it was one of us and yet you come in and ruin things."

Izuku charges at Scrap Baby and spin kicks her across the plaza. She stops her momentum by plunging her claw in the ground and slowing down. Izuku doesn't give her another chance to strike back as he punches her in the side and unleashes a wave of lightning. It short circuits her for a few seconds and she gets her bearings and points her claw, opens it and powers up a large amount of energy.

Scrap Baby: "Humans are nothing more than fuel for us. Their remnant suffices and powers us beyond the realm of quirk users. Tell me why won't you be like us? You were killed by those you called friends and family and you won't take vengeance? How foolish. If you don't take revenge then there is no reason for you to bring yourself back from the dead."

Izuku: "Quiet."

Izuku stomps his foot as an electrical current towards Scrap Baby and she points her hand to create a barrier, blocking the attack. Izuku looks behind to see Aizawa carrying Katsumi away. 

Scrap Baby: "You should kill the girl for what she did to you. It will make you feel a lot better knowing that one of your bullies is dead..."

Izuku: "Trust me I may hate her for what shes done, I may have blood on my hands, even though I know that redemption is a one step to being a new person. I don't forgive her for torturing me, but that doesn't mean I won't risk my life to protecting others."

Scrap Baby: "How irksome."

Scrap Baby's eyes shift to the right as she jumps back to avoid a large stream of fire. The android boy looks at who used it and sees Shoka with Tsuyu and Kirishima, holding onto an unconscious and injured Momo, Kaminari and Jirou.

Izuku: "Guys!"

Shoka: "Izuku are you ok?"

Izuku: "I'm fine! What about Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Jirou?"

Tsuyu: "They're hurt pretty badly. We were going to take them to the others until we saw you fighting that thing. What is that?"

Izuku: "No time to explain! You all need to get out of here! I'll handle her but you all need to step back!"

An explosion occurs where Scrap Baby was and it brings the attention of the four students. The three students place their other unconscious classmates in a safe distance and get ready for a fight. They see the killer animatronic walking out of the fire unhurt and her eyes glowing red. She starts to laugh like a psycho as lightning sparks on her body.

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