Going to U.A, Izuku and Ai Hoshino Past

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The heartfelt reunion of Izuku and Ai brought tears from the corners of the two adults' eyes. Izuku and Ai continue to hug each other. Ai can feel the warmth of the boy hugging her, which in her mind made her question how since hes a robot. Ruby looks up to look at Izuku.

Ruby: "Mister Izuku?"

Izuku: "Yea?"

Ruby: "Why are you so warm? Aren't you a robot?"

Izuku: "Hehe, well I may or may not have snagged a few blood packs."

Ichigo: "What?! How did you- urgh nevermind. I'm just wondering how you managed to make yourself a body!"

Izuku: "I took your idea and this is the result...though I had to use my old human body as a base."

Ichigo: "...You know what forget I asked you that question."

Ai: "So what does this mean for you Izuku?"

Izuku: "Well...now that I have this body, I want to fulfill my dream of becoming a hero."

Ai: "I know you can do it...Strive for your dreams."

Ichigo: "Well Ai, due to what happened you should take a week off."

Izuku: "Wait, her apartment is no longer safe since it's likely there are more people who want her dead. Not to mention I don't think that guy who stalked her didn't find out about the kids and her address on his own. A third party might be involved, So I propose a relocation."

Miyako: "Where would she live?"

Izuku: "Hmm...why not the Pizzaplex?"

Ichigo: "Wait what?"

Izuku: "It's the safest place. I've lived there for a year and the animatronics are friendly. I'm sure there is a room for her and the kids to live in."

Ichigo: "Hmm...considering that we are staying in this city for the time being, ok then."

Ai: "Really? Oh thank you thank you thank you so much president!"

Ichigo: "Yea yea, take care of her Izuku."

Izuku nods as the adults exit the room, leaving the idol and her kids and Izuku there.

Izuku: "Well, I'm sure-"

Aqua: "Is there any rooms that we can live in the Pizzaplex?"

Izuku: "Hmm let me think...I think there's an empty room in Fazerblast. No one really goes there and it's empty. So I'll send some bots to your apartment to get your stuff."

Ai: "Really? Thank you so much Izuku!"

She hugs him again, his cheeks turn a bit red as he hugs her back

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She hugs him again, his cheeks turn a bit red as he hugs her back. Knocking can be heard and the door opens to reveal a doctor, the kids hide instantly to avoid being seen.

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