She Said What!?

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She Said What!?

September 5th 1979
-James Pov-

     Ever since Reg came out of his room, I felt butterflies all over again. He made me feel all jittery and nervous, like a schoolgirl crush. Though I felt saddened that I had left Reg and Reg should never forgive me for that, Reg is now pale and sickly looking like all bones, seeming to have been too stressed and paranoid to eat. I just knew if I could have a second chance, I could love him and care for him like he always deserved, but I was too selfish to understand before.

"Do you think Reg will be okay?" Sirius says, breaking my train of thought.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I replied.

"Well, he said a few things that concerned me. He obviously is dealing with a few things, but he hasn't always been irrational like I was. He also seems so sad, maybe lost?" Sirius responded.

"Well, I said he will be fine, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about him. He is in a dark state." I said.

"You still like him, don't you?" Sirius asks.

"I always will." I said, now looking down.

"Good, you always treated him right. At least way better than any of the other men he hung out with," Sirius replied. I felt my cheeks heated but was interrupted by a sound of apparition. I turned around and Lily walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Didn't expect you till next week." Sirius said.

"I brought some potions and medical supplies after you told me about Regulus." Lily replied.

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." Sirius said dramatically.

"Do you want to stay for a cup of tea?" I ask.

"No, I can't stay long, but thank you. I actually wanted to talk to you about something privately." Lily said, a bit more hesitantly.

"Sure, let's go to the library." I said while walking into the small library, stuff to the brim with books of all subjects.

"Uh, so I'm not sure how to start this," Lily said with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, but uh, here it goes. I'm pregnant." She said slowly. A few months ago, I had been feeling sad and lonely and Lily was always there, so I had spent an unfortunate night with her I wished I could forget. I was drunk and Lily was too and we both were having romantic problems so we decided we mine as well look after each other.

"Lily, I- I don't feel romantically that way about you-" I said, but was cut off by Lily.

"I'm not here for that. I'm not interested in you, no offense. I just thought you should know. I'm dating Mary, actually." Lily said quickly.

"Oh uh, congrats. We could figure out how to co-parent then. Lily, I'm thrilled you found someone that could love you for all you can offer." I responded.

"Thank you, yes we can figure something out. Hopefully, we can still be friends." Lily replied.

"Yes, of course we can stay friends. This changes nothing." I said

"So, how are you and Regulus doing?" Lily asked shyly.

"I'm working on it. I still feel so much for him." I responded.

"We'll work harder. He is quite the catch." Lily said with a smirk.

"That he is." I said.

I said my farewells to Lily before she left. She promised to get me a sonogram next time she goes to the doctor. She also told me she and Mary are doing good. Mary apparently is over the moon about being a stepparent. I felt happy that Lily and Mary were working out.

"James, have you seen Reg?" Sirius asked.

"No, I haven't, actually." I responded.

"That's strange. I didn't even see him once today." Sirius said, a bit more panicked.

"Have you checked his room?" I asked. Sirius shook his head. I walked down the hall to Reg's room and knocked. There wasn't a response, so I opened the door slowly. I looked in and the room was empty and Reg's wand was missing. I looked at Sirius, and he looked panicked.

"James, I think he left." Sirius said a bit more slowly.

"We have to find him. He isn't fully healed." I responded.

"Idiot!" Sirius said.

"Okay, it's going to be fine. We will find him." I said, but really I was trying to convince myself more. Just when I got Reg back, he falls out of my grasp again, but this time I'm not allowing this to happen.

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”

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