"Because I'm betting that address is somewhere in that house," Hanna sighed. "And we need a reason to be in there, so I volunteered all five of us."

"You volunteered me to get married in my ex's backyard?" Isabel asked incredulously. Wow, so considerate of her feelings.

"Morning, Hanna. Girls," Holbrook greeted, walking over.

"Hi," Hanna gulped.

"I'm guessing you told your friends about the anonymous tip," Holbrook nodded. "Look, I don't want to give you guys any false hope. Alison's probably not alive, but if she is, after all this time... there's going to be a lot of questions, starting with who's the dead girl in her grave. If you guys have any thoughts, you know where to find me." He walked off.

"So what time does your mom want us to be there?" Emily asked Hanna.


Isabel fixed the final touches on her dress and walked up to the girls. Screw Jason, who was thousands of miles away. She was going to have fun tonight. She wore an off-the-shoulder black wedding dress that had a split thigh in the middle. She wore some black strapped heels and the diamond necklace Caleb had given her. Before... before he left her, too.

"Hey girls," Isabel smiled as she walked over. They immediately stopped talking.

"...Most helpful- hey Isabel how are you," Spencer said a little too quickly.

"Um... is everything okay?" Isabel frowned, and they all nodded vigorously.

"You look stunning, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise," Spencer blurted with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks, I guess," Isabel smiled.

"We're never getting upstairs," Hanna griped.

"Why?" Aria asked.

"The house is event headquarters. We're not going to be able to squeeze past Alison's mother without her noticing," Hanna gulped.

"I'm lucky if I can squeeze out of this tent," Aria complained, shifting uncomfortably in her dress.

Ms. Marin walked over. "Ladies, when you're finished with your touch-ups, please remember to check the list by the stage." She looked at Isabel. "Isabel, sweetie, what happened to your veil?"

"Oh. I think I must have left it inside," Isabel frowned, getting up.

"Go get it, please," Ms. Marin smiled. "Now."

"Yeah, sure, I'll be right back," Isabel sighed, getting up.


Isabel searched for her veil and found it on the couch. God, this house brought back memories. She was about to leave when she heard a familiar voice.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

She couldn't move. No. Not tonight. She spun around, and as if in a dream, there he was.

"J-Jason?" She gaped. "Are you- are you real? Am I drunk? I haven't even sipped scotch in a week." Tears filled his eyes, and her mouth fell open. "I thought- but hadn't you..."

"Left you? I know," Jason nodded. He nervously took a step toward her. She would totally step away, but she was mesmerized by him. There was no way this was happening. He looked different. Very hot.

No, stupid brain! He left you!

"And no one could be more sorry about it than I am. I did it to protect you, I swear," he continued as she gaped at him. This was happening. This was really happening. "But now I realize it was stupid, and I broke your heart, and I am so, so sorry. I should have never done that. I came back sooner than expected to tell you that."

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