Close Encounters

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"Honey, I don't think he's a good pick for you," the other guy scoffed, making Isabel slowly turn around. His brown hair was styled almost theatrically, and Isabel backed away, not noticing that she was inching toward Jason in the process.

"I think I'll be going," she muttered, getting up. Both Jason and the guy stared as she fumbled with her purse. She wasn't drunk enough for this.

"I don't think you'll be going anywhere other than my house," the guy smirked, getting up and putting an arm on her shoulder.

In response, she shoved him off. "I don't think I will."

"Come on, hon, you-" he began, but someone whirled him around to face them.

"You wanna fight? I'll fight you," he scowled, and Isabel realized it was Jason. A small crowd had gathered, eager to see what was going to happen.

"Jason, don't, I can manage on my own," she snapped. He looked at her, truly looked at her, for the first time, and she saw the pain behind his eyes. It took her aback, and her jaw slackened.

"Are you the ex?" the guy laughed. "Well, hate to break it to you, but you're her past, buddy. And I'm her future."

"You don't even know my name," Isabel retorted. "And, Jason, please, just let him go. I don't need a man to save my ass. I've learned to fend for myself, thanks to you and your stupid little stunt."

"Isa, I-" Jason began, stepping toward her, but the guy held him back.

"So, you wanna fight me?" he laughed. "Let's see if you're strong enough."

Isabel pleaded with Jason to go, and he backed off. Just as she was sure they weren't going to jail, Jason socked the guy in the face, causing the whole crowd, including her, to gasp.

"Jason!" she yelled.

"Don't ever try me again," he scoffed at the guy, who in turn pounced on him. Isabel shouted at them to stop, but it was useless. The fight had attracted a lot of attention, so she decided to leave before she got busted for underage drinking.

-flashback ends-

"What? How come you never told me this?" Spencer stammered, and Isabel's eyes filled with tears.

"Because, Spence," she gulped. "That encounter hurt me more than him leaving."


Isabel was really distraught over this. Her life was spiraling, and she decided to do what could possibly make it better. Sobbing into her bed sheets.

Her eyes fell on a bottle of vodka. She'd bought it after reading the passage about her and Jason, and now... it was so welcoming, and who was to stop her?

She wasn't aware of getting up or pouring herself a cup, but she was aware of staring into it numbly. Oh, where had her life gone?

Where had Jason gone?


Isabel arrived at Emily's a little late, and hungover.

"Yeah, yeah, chew me out later, what happened?" Isabel sighed, crashing onto the couch, next to Hanna.

"Isabel, are you okay-?" Spencer began, but Isabel waved her off.

"I'll be fine, just say what you need to say, Em," she replied, looking at Emily to once again save her.

"I told Shana to find out what Ali had said to me when she pulled me out of the barn," she said.

"When we were looking for Dr. Sullivan?" Aria frowned.

The Sixth Doll~ Pretty Little LiarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon