Bring Down the Hoe

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" Isabel looked up from the ground.

"Isabel, I asked if you liked blue or brown on me," Mike repeated. Isabel's eyes swam with tears as she remembered something.


Isabel was sitting on her bed, reading up on the Cold War for the next school year. It was August, right before senior year.

"Okay, blue or black?" Jason asked as he walked out of her bathroom wearing only a towel.

"Jason," she laughed, shutting her book closed. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I'm taking you out to a fancy restaurant, since today's-" he began, but then she grinned.

"You remembered it was my birthday, yet I forgot?" she chuckled, getting up.

"Come on, Isa, we've known each other for almost four years," Jason smiled. "Of course I remember your birthday."

He smiled down at her as she hugged him. "I love you."

"And I love you. But the real question is, black or blue?" he asked, holding out two shirts.

"I'd prefer nothing, but... didn't you say your favorite color was blue?" Isabel replied.

"Yeah, but today's about you, not me," he replied, and she shook her head, walking back over to her bed.

"It doesn't have to be only about me. Remember, we met on my birthday," she sighed.

"I remember, but it was your birthday," Jason shrugged.

"Blue," she said abruptly, and he raised an eyebrow at her. "It's your favorite color."

He smiled at her one last time and walked back into the bathroom.

-Flashback ends-

"Brown," she said to Mike, wiping away the tears before he could see them. Mike was here, Jason was not. "Definitely brown."

"But I kind of like how blue looks-"

"Brown," Isabel repeated firmly. "Pick brown."


Later, Isabel was searching the crawlspace with Emily and Hanna.

"Where's Spencer?" Aria whispered. "Always has the best flashlight."

"Isn't she the one that said to meet at 4:00?" Isabel frowned as she shone her flashlight around.

"Yeah, she'll be here," Emily assured her.

"So..." Aria began excitedly, looking at Isabel. "Did Mike ask you out again?"

"Kind of," Isabel shrugged, not looking at her or Emily.

"And? Ooh, what if he's the one who makes you smile again? That would be so romantic," Emily gushed.

"And nothing," Isabel snapped, turning to face them. "I want to be in love with him, but... I just can't. And besides, no one can make me smile again."

Emily sighed, evidently upset that her shot a a romantic discussion was a literal shot in the dark. "When was the last time you spoke with Ezra?" she asked Aria.

"It's been a while. Why?" Aria frowned.

"You should call him," Emily shrugged, knowing more than she was letting on.

"Why?" Isabel blinked.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Aria added.

Emily kept sweeping her light over the floor. "He just mention that he's been trying to reach you."

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