"I just wish that I could erase everything from that night," Spencer admitted after explaining what had happened.

"I do, too," Isabel muttered, and Spencer looked over at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry for insulting your..." she replied.

"Alcohol addiction?" Isabel laughed bitterly. "I'm sorry that I have it. Not only does it make my life harder, but it makes your life hard, too."

"No, don't say that," Spencer sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, too. I should have told you the real reason why I was there," Emily agreed.

"Well, how could you? I bulldozed over every opportunity that you had," Spencer replied bitterly. "I bulldozed over you. I bulldozed over Hanna when she tried to tell me about the gun. I'm basically a human bulldozer." Emily just smiled sadly and rolled her eyes. "And now I'm bulldozing over your apology. I'm really sorry."


"Guys," Aria gulped as they got up. Mona had just walked into the Brew.

"Ugh. Mo' Mona, mo' problems," Spencer agreed. Mona walked over to her and glared.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked.

"Where the hell have you been?" Spencer scoffed, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry; That wasn't a question," Mona snapped. "I need to talk to you. Alone."

"You said we were in this together, and then you just disappeared," Isabel pointed out.

"Whatever you have to say to Spencer, you can say to all of us," Emily agreed, glancing back at her.

"Have it your way," Mona sighed. "I've been tracking down my missing RV. That's where I've been." She paused, eyes on Spencer. "Toby took it. He gave it to 'A', but Spencer already knew that. She's been covering for him."

When Spencer was silent, Aria spoke up. "You're lying."

"I'm really not," Mona shrugged.

"Then you'd better have proof," Isabel huffed.

"Look, I'll take heels over a hoodie any day of the week, but just 'cause I'm not 'A' anymore, doesn't mean I can't recon your asses when I need to," Mona shot back. "So, yeah, I have proof."

Spencer was still quiet, so Aria turned to her. "Spencer, say something."

"It's true," Spencer nodded.


"Mona may not be 'A,' but she's definitely still a 'B'," Isabel scoffed. She, Aria, and Emily were in Emily's room.

"Did you see that smirk on her face?" Emily agreed.

"I just can't believe that Spencer would keep that from us," Aria replied, shaking her head.

"You know there was a reason Toby did this," Isabel assured them. "I mean, there has to be."

"Reason or not, I can't help thinking Hanna wouldn't be in this mess if we still had that RV," Aria sighed, sitting down on Emily's bed. "What if Mona had something that could prove that Hanna's mom was innocent?"

"Proof that somebody else wanted Wilden dead," Isabel nodded, getting up. "A video, a photo, anything."

Suddenly, Aria's phone rang, and she picked it up. "Hanna?" She frowned. "Okay." She looked over at Isabel and Emily. "Her parents took her phone. Look, Hanna, we have to tell you something." She paused. "Yeah, yeah, of course."

"You have to tell her to talk to her parents," Emily whisper-shouted.

"All right, what Emily thinks-" Aria began. She paused, then hung up. "She doesn't want us to do anything to help."

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