Cat's Cradle/ Face Time

Start from the beginning

"I don't know. She wasn't at school," Spencer said.

"Not knowing where she is makes me just as nervous as when she's all over us," Emily huffed as Isabel set down some of Ali's necklaces.

"You guys, what's this?" Isabel asked as she pulled out a lavish mask.

"That ain't no cuttle-bone," Spencer said, and Aria took it from her.

She looked at Emily. "This was in Ali's room?"

"It was either here or at her grandmother's," Emily responded.

"It doesn't really seem her speed," Hanna commented as Spencer took it in turn.

Suddenly, Melissa walked into the Brew, and Isabel and Emily stared at her.

"Spence," Emily said, and Spencer looked over at her.

"When did she get back?" Aria whisper-shouted as they all stared at her.

"Why did she come back?" Isabel added.

"Yeah, I thought she was gone for good when they found Wilden," Hanna agreed, looking at Spencer. "Mona said that your sister was with Wilden on the train, and then she just leaves the night he's killed?"

"Mona said she was on the train," Spencer repeated, getting up.

"Just because Mona said it doesn't mean it's not true," Hanna shrugged. Spencer walked over to Melissa and struck up a conversation.


Isabel watched as Hanna walked off from Caleb, and stopped him to talk.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey, what's up? I don't think I've seen you smile in months," Caleb frowned.

"Well, it'll certainly be the last," she scoffed, smile wiped from her face. "Anyway, I'm going to go visit Dad."

"Oh, really?" he asked, surprised. "He said that he didn't expect you to visit."

"Well, in my depression, no, I wouldn't, but... I feel really bad about what I said," Isabel said nervously. "I want to apologize in person."

"I get it," Caleb nodded. "Do you want me to tell Hanna, or...?"

"No, no," she sighed, wringing her hands nervously. "I'll tell the girls, I just wanted you to know."

"Okay," he replied, and she gave him a quick hug before walking off.


"Oh, come on, you can't leave now, Isabel," Hanna complained when she told them. "'A's gonna put my mom in prison, and we need all brains on deck."

"Don't you mean hands?" Spencer frowned.

"No. Brains," Hanna scoffed like it were obvious.

"I know, but I said some pretty nasty things to him, as you know, Hanna," Isabel went on, and Hanna nodded. "I just wanted to apologize, and to get away from this hectic place. Besides, it's not like I can sleep in my bed every night without... without thinking of..."

Spencer just nodded and put an arm around her. "We get it."

Isabel got up, and they all looked at her confusedly. "Where are you going?" Aria asked.

"I want to spend a few days with him, and if I want to get there before nightfall, I have to leave now," Isabel explained. She waved goodbye to them, and felt a bit better.


When Isabel arrived at his cabin, Jamie was forgiving. She spent a full two weeks there, and it was the first time she felt at home. With family. None of those foster parents, or social workers, or even her mom made her feel at home. Jamie did, and she was actually happy for the first time in so long.



Face Time


Isabel was at Spencer's with Aria and Spencer, after the girls had explained everything she'd missed. Ali had masks made of herself, Melissa also did, but only to get info about Ali, Melissa almost admitted to killing Wilden, social services were called on Emily's parents, Aria's mom was considering going to Vienna, and Jenna and Shana had started the Lodge Fire.

"Her car's gone and she's not in the barn," Spencer said, walking back into the house.

"Do you believe what she told you? Part of it? Any of it?" Isabel asked, turning away from the tea she was making.

"Enough of it... For now," Spencer replied hesitantly.

"Then you believe that she didn't kill Wilden," Isabel went on, trying to understand.

Suddenly, their phones all beeped.

'Melissa's guilty of plenty, but she's not 'A' material. Kisses.'

"I'll call Emily, you call Hanna," Spencer offered, and started to dial.

Hanna burst in, nervous and Aria's eyes widened. "Okay, I dial fast, but I'm not that good."

"Hey. We know how Mona got the Ali mask and who burned down the lodge. At least we think we do," Spencer explained, but then saw Hanna's expression. "Hanna, what's wrong?"

"I think my mom killed Wilden, and 'A' knows it," Hanna gulped.

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