A Mere Warning..🌸

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"Aizawa! I found your class!" Hawks say over the earpiece flying above and finally found his targets.

He saw class 3-A neck to neck with the creatures who kept pushing them but the students were holding their own fort.

"How are they?" Aizawa asks worriedly and Hawks heard grunt indicating Eraser had just put some enemies to sleep forever.

"Tired and some injured but still standing strong. Should I tell them to back off? Oh wait, Kochou sensei just joined the party."

Indeed the insect hashira made her grand entrance by leaping down gracefully from the air and swung her sword effortlessly.

The demons dropping down one after the other but their head still on their necks.

"Poison?" Hawks curiously asks himself seeing the insect hashira lashing at the demons like she was only dancing, her haori fluttering beautifully.

Butterflies suddenly swirled around the area giving off some kind of sparkling dust raining them down on the creatures.

No sooner, they were writhing on the grounds till they laid motionless.

"Ara, ara. My poison dust is still not complete but it did this much damage already. Hmm. At least I know it is effective."

The insect hashira smiles delighted.

"Hawks! What is happening in there?"

But Hawks remained still in the air as he continues watching the fight below.

Just then his eyes caught a fast moving figure almost a blur that stopped both the heroes and demons.

Yet it was so fast for the naked eye and it made Aoyama scream, when the said figure whooshed past him as he'd describe him leaving disintegrating demons on his way.

The figure finally stopped right infront of Shinobu to reveal Muichiro with the mark on his face that he first activated during his fight with Gyokko.

Shinobu took a good look at the youngest hashira, surprise on her features.

"Hah! There's our mist hashira! Top that you dwindling flies!" Inosuke brags from a distance.

Muichiro looks around to see everyone looking at him in shock and awe.

And fear for the demons.

Midoriya had his jaw dropping, his heart still pounding with what he had just witnessed.

So, these are hashiras.

"Muichiro," Shinobu gently wiped the blood that littered on the mist hashira's cheeks.


"You've awoken your mark once again."

Muichiro in confusion touched his cheek.

"I didn't even know I was marked."

Shinobu smiles but deep inside he was worried.

"Be careful."

Muichiro nods just as Inosuke and Nezuko zoomed in their circle.

"You don't have your mask," the insect hashira was really surprised to see that.

"That Shoto hid it from me," the beast breather sulked earning a chuckle from Nezuko and Kochou, while Muichiro only tilts his head.

"Careful Inosuke. I sense a stronger power from my future brother in law more than he lets on," was his remark irking Inosuke.

"I know that! But I do too!" he defends himself making the mist hashira chuckle as well. It's nice to have a breather.

"I know," was all he said before he turned and charged again.

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