Wisteria House..🌸

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He knows his friends needed his help in battle.

He knows his strength is a great contribution much like Nezuko.

And yet the only thing he can do is stay by his younger sister's side as she recovers.

Yuichiro scowls.

That darn creature who dared do this to Ayane. If given the chance, he'd happily tear him limb from limb.

Ayane was now peacefully sleeping after Shinobu initiated the experiment they had thoroughly talked about. And they only have 20% chance of success but they did it anyway.

Shinobu injected some of Yuichiro's blood to Ayane to see if it can stop the freezing heart from acting up.

And much to their surprise and happiness, it worked. Ayane's blood was a match and the injected blood of her brother infused with medicine worked perfectly.

Yet it made Ayane fall into a deep sleep.
So there he was stuck with her in a dark room hoping for the battle to be won.


Misty stopped on her tracks as soon as a scent so familiar hit her.

The only scent that makes her blood boil so much, she wants nothing but to get rid of the owner of that scent.

She was on her way to the Demon Slayer Corps as she crossed the portal in an aim to talk with the master but she was intercepted now.

By the very same creature who almost killed her and froze her sisters heart.

But first things first.

"Kirishima-kun, Kaminari-kun, you can come out now. I know you have been following me for a while."

She waited for a few moments before the said duo appeared behind her. Turning around, she saw them looking anywhere but her.

These 2. She's surprised they even managed to pass through the portal unnoticed by their classmates.

"Welcome to Taisho Era my friends." Misty teases, a smile on her face.

Only then did the duo looked at her.

"Sorry for following you. We are just worried," Kirishima admitted, scratching his nape sheepishly.

Kaminari nod fervently, going along with whatever his friend is saying.

"I know. You don't need to apologize. However, I need you guys to do exactly as you're told. Got that?" The sun hashira chides sternly and her friends quickly saluted her in agreement.

"Yes maam!"

Misty nods satisfied before she waved a hand and her forcefield wrapped around her friends.

"You seem anxious Misty. Something wrong?" asks Kaminari as they finally resumed walking.

"Yes. Some high ranking demon is watching us at the moment."

Her answer made the 2 look around in surprise quickly.

"Do not worry. He won't attack just yet. Let's just hurry."

"Alright," Kirishima say but Misty couldn't help but smile noticing how the red riot hero walked slightly ahead of her, his eyes watching everywhere, protecting her.

She's grateful.

They walked in comfortable silence till they reached the town where the people eyed them strangely.

"They're all looking at us. This is creepy," muses Kaminari sticking close.

"We stand out in our clothes you see," was what Misty told them and she couldn't help but chuckle when the 2 quickly gave themselves a once over.

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