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A heavy sigh escaped from the young boy's lips as he swung his sword sideways, mist unravelling from it.

It's been a week.

A week of him killing these strange demon like creatures whose brains out in the open for the world to see.

A week of him trying to not let his identity known from the these so called reporters who had been very keen on trying to get anything from him.

Nameless hero: that is what he is called now.

He doesn't want any attention. It was just his instict and reponsibility to protect humans whereever he maybe. With the last of these creatures disintegrating from the blow of his sun blade, he turns to walk away to his temporary hideout when a swift presence stopped him on his tracks.

Looking back, his grip on his sword tightened seeing 2 figures towering over him.

"What is this? You are just a kid," says one who looked like a magician based on his flashy outfit.

"Maybe a kid, but he earned his title. So, you're the nameless hero," another say whose entire body was almost covered in burns. And are those staples on his eyes-

Okay these guys are weird.

But somehow, he couldn't feel any malice coming from them. Still, better be careful than sorry.

His sword raised, ready to attack if ever they'd decided to try something he wouldn't like.

"Whoa, easy there kid. We're not fighting you. We're just here to talk, ya know," the magician outfit guy say but he wasn't a tad bit convinced.

He took his fighting stance making the stapled face guy look at him in amusement.

This kid has got a very strong presence. His body maybe small and dressed in some oversized, whatever he is wearing but the glint in his eyes and body movement indicates he had been to many strong maybe stronger fights and won them all.

No wonder their boss wants him. He'd be a strong and reliable comrade. If the kid wants to join of course. Given the way that anti chapstick boss, convince people, the kid might just want to behead him.

He wasn't yielding one bit.

"C'mon kid, we're not villains, maybe a long time ago we were but not now, okay. We're good people now. We help charities, help heroes secretly, love nature and even have a demon kid whose the baby of the group. And now come to think of it, you look exactly like him," Mr. Staples say trying his best to charm the kid.

As if the kid would be ever charmed by his face, who was he kidding?

But hey, he was trying.

It was not his face that took the attention of the kid though. It's what he said.

Demon kid?

Demon kid with these.. wait..

Are these guys even humans?

"Oh, sorry where are my manners. Name's Mr. Compress. My friend here is Dabi. We're good people okay. Just in hiding as we can't debut as heroes yet. I believe your not nameless. May we know your name?" the magician guy chides as polite as possible.

The kid furrows his brows analyzing them for a moment before he lowered his sword earning sighs of relief from these self claimed good people.

Why would a bad person admit he's a bad person?

Anyways, he made his decision.

He's not trusting them.

"You said, a demon kid that looks exactly like me. What do you mean by that?"

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