UA vs. Crown Jewel 2..🌸

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Kaminari swore he could have seen a blond hair boy shaking as he hid behind the obstacle pillar. He was guarding his post and so far not one has yet to pass his domain except this boy.

Why was he hiding though?

He's a hero isn't he?

Does this obstacle course scare him that he rather sit and hug his knees behind a pillar?

Kaminari frowns to himself but decided he has a duty to fulfill. If this guy is one scaredy one, easier job for him, no?

"Oi," he calls.

No response.

"Hey come out," he tries again.

Still no response.

With furrowed brows, hero Chargebolt struts towards the said lad only to blink in confusion seeing the blond whose hair looking like banana peels asleep peacefully.


When did this happen?

He only saw him a minute ago?

"What's up with this dude?"

He stares.

"Whatever. Better take him to the base."

The lightning quirked was about to lift him only to be electrified, the intensity not that high to cause him any injury but still the reaction of of his quirk protecting him sent him slamming all the way to the last pillar.

He groans at the impact but then quickly stood up. Looking at the sleeping lad, his eyes widens seeing cyan colored lightning striking off the male.

The aura Kaminari felt was so much different than before he felt shivers down his spine.

Seriously, what is up with this dude?

Is he really asleep?

Forcing himself to calm down, he gathered his courage and let his own quirk wrap him. No way in UA will he give up without a fight. He'll go down fighting if he have to.

His lightning intensified as he charges, the blond haired boy disappearing however in a lightning speed.

His eyes widens.


"Over here!"

Kaminari looks up to see his opponent in mid air, a sword in hand.

A sword?!

When did he have that? Or did he just missed it?

This time, he met the attack halfway, but had himself thrown to the grounds whilst the guy landed on his feet.

What the chocolate fudge?

He knows, okay?

He knows this guy is on another level than him, stronger but he didn't expect him to be this fast.

"I'm not giving up!" Kaminari punches the ground as he pushed himself up. He too fought alongside his classmates. There is no way he'd ever give up.

He increased his lightning bolt, getting ready to attack once more.

"It's no use," the sleeping lad tells him making him grit his teeth.

"Admit your defeat and this ends here. I do not like to hurt you."

That tone.

It's rather comforting.

This banana peel haired guy isn't understimating him. He was just being honest. It somehow hurts but it's the truth.

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