Hide and Seek..🌸

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"Stop right there!"

Dabi and Shigaraki both flinched upon hearing a female voice right behind them.

They were just getting some snacks as watching battle after battle on the arena made them both hungry.

Please, can't people just leave them alone and let them watch in peace without having to worry about someone finding out about them.

Subtly glancing at one another, the duo suddenly sprinted away leaving the startled young lady behind.


They heard her chase them but didn't stop to find out who. Instead they allowed their feet to carry them whereever it may hide them.

"You and your stealth mode plan! Why are we being chased now?!" Shigaraki accuses his companion who managaed to scowl at him.

"Hey, spare me the blame! Your the one who wanted food. Now look where it got us!" Dabi shots back.

"Not my fault you got pushed by Toga to join me, you burnt toast!"

Dabi's eyes widens.

"Whatcha call me, you chapped stick?!"

"Burnt toast, burnt toast, burnt toast!"


Dabi suddenly started kicking Shigaraki to which the other avenged by doing the same.

Ayane blinked dumbfounded on the duo acting like children. They were so immersed on their playfight that they have completely forgotten that they were chased.

"Uhm, pardon me.." she calls them.

They froze coming back to reality. Turning their heads to the girl at the same time, Ayane almost laughed at their surprised expression.

"Hello," she greets waving at them.

"Domo," both greeted back before their hands untangled from each other then suddenly speeded away without looking back. The risk of being recognized, they can't possibly allow that.

"C'mon! Quit running already! I just wanna talk!" the slayer grumbles before her feet moved her to where the 2 were headed.

She doesn't understand why they have to run. All she does want is talk to them. And do they have to cover themselves up like that? They're no longer villains and heroes wanted them desperately on their side.

She kept running determined to catch them.

From a corner up ahead, Shoto and Izuku appeared seemingly going for the booths.


She heard the former villain's mutter under their breaths seeing 2 more heroes on their way making her chuckle.

"Shoto nii-san! Izuku nii!!" She calls and the 2 looked at her confused.

"Don't let them escape! Catch them!"

"What?! You sneaky little girl!" Shigaraki grumbles annoyingly.

"Shigaraki?" Izuku squinted his eyes trying to see the person whose face was covered in a hoodie and a face mask.

"Move peasants!" Dabi pushed Shoto aside and tries to escape only to almost squeak when ice suddenly strapped both his and Shigaraki's feet. Both mutters incoherent words under their breath knowing they were trapped and can't use their quirks as the school had identification quirks for them. One use and they'll have heroes surrounding them.

Nah, can't let that happen.

Ayane held her chest huffing.

"Why do you two have to run? All we want is to talk," she say.

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