USJ 2..🌸

54 4 3

A pair of eyes watches from above.

His blue orbs never wavered as he watches Misty and her new team go through their rescue operation drills. It had been the 4th course already yet the said girl didn't show any signs of exhaustion.

Back to when she was training to become one of them, she'd drop at mild trainings but now, it looks like she was really enjoying what she was doing.

Her new found friends were sure realiable and it eased his worry greatly. He had just arrived last week yet he was not ready to reveal himself yet. All he did was trail her secretly till he was satisfied that she was doing well.

With that assurance, he left the scene by jumping up and disappearing from there. Now, he would go see how another cheeky brat is doing.


5th course.

Now paired with the new big three of the school.




Facing a new challenge of burning buildings and collapasing debris due to the fast consumption of the fire, Misty's eyes widens when something awakens in her veins.

This always happens when she is near fire. She knew exactly what it is so she galdly welcomed it.

"Oi Tokito! This is no time for day dreaming. Plan on what we are going to do. We do not have all day for your mopping," Bakugo remarks but Misty knew he doesn't mean to be rude.

She just hopes, he could speak a little nicely.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya tries stopping him but the explosion quirked ignored him completely. Todoroki on the other hand just stayed put.


Yeah, nice.

What is up with these 3?


Here goes nothing.

Inhaling sharply, she concentrated on finding the scents of the victims but the strong scent of embers interferring with her mission, making her snap her eyes open.

"Well?!" Bakugo quips rather impatiently. Hands on his waist and foot tapping the pavement, Todoroki and Midoroya were rather amused seeing him that way.

"The fire's messing up with my nose. Todoroki-san is there anyway you can put out this fire? But avoid that building. A family is in there."

"Gotcha!" Bakugo was quick to move but Misty was quick to pull him with her force field just as series of explosions took place.

Shocking her team when 3 figures emerged from the embers.


"I smelled them too," Misty states.

Todoroki used his ice quirk and made a barrier that separated the villains from the rest of the vicinity.

"Thank you, Todoroki-san. I will leave them to you."

Todoroki nods before engaging in the fight while Misty let her forcefield engulf the 3 of them and up in the air.

"Bakugo-kun, please help the family of 3. The mother is the only one injured so it is easier to manuever them."

"Huh? Now, you are ordering-"

"Please just go! The building is about to collapse!"

Misty pushed Bakugo out the forcefield, wrapping him in another, then led him to where the family was waiting.

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