Scorching sun and Sword..🌸

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"What is she doing?" Hakagure asks looking up the roof of their dorm.


Their dorm.

Apparently, Misty decided it's best to sit there and meditate? Is that what she is doing?

"I'm not sure," Mina answers also looking up. "But she has been there for 2 hours and was unmoving eversince."

"Ehh, but the sun is scorching! How could she have tolerated this hot whether?!" Uraraka exclaims in disbelief.

"That is what we want to know. Since she walked Ayane-san back to their dorm, she went up the roof and stayed their eversince," Yaoyorozu muses creating several umbrellas and distributing it to her friends who thanked her and shielded themselves from the sun.

"Should we go get her? It's been two hours, she'd likely to have a headache at this point," Asui suggested.

They really doesn't have an answer to that. Misty was unmoving, her eyes shut as the sun directly hit on her. To the girl's surprise however, she isn't even sweating.

"Wait, is this connected to her quirk?" Hagakure questions in curiosity and the girls seemed to realize that as well.

"But her quirk is forcefield and high sense of smell right? How can sun be connected to that?" Uraraka threw another question.

"Who knows? Our teachers believed she has multiple quirks. One that she hasn't shown anyone yet." answers Yaoyorozu surprising the ladies.

"Wow, multiple quirks? So Deku is not the only one?"

Yaoyorozu sighs at Asui's question.

"We don't know it's just a speculation. But coming from All Might and Principal Nezu, there might be a possibility. Whatever the reason is, it's something she doesn't want anyone to know yet. Or something she doesn't want anyone to know, ever."

Mina saddens at that. The thought of one of their friends shouldering a burden like that just made them worthless for some reason.

"But we're her friends right?"


"Sometimes, there are things you would want to keep for yourself," Yaoyorozu say.

"I totally agree," someone said behind them and all the ladies turn to look at the owner of the voice, only to be greeted by someone unfamiliar.

A lady.

With bright enchanting eyes, alluring smile and a butterfly hair ornament. She smiled further seeing their shocked faces.

"Konichiwa, I am Kochou Shinobu, the new teacher of UA."

The ladies gasped at the information given.

"A new teacher," Asui mumbled.

"She's beautiful," Mina say not being to take her eyes away from the new teacher. Well, all of them.

"Good Morning, Sensei. Welcome to UA. We're the girls of Class 3-A," Yaoyorozu bows in greeting and the rest quickly followed with the exception of the girl on the rooftop.

"Nice to meet you, ladies. I will be teaching your class as well since I will be teaching in all classes as the principal see fit. I was just roaming around trying to familiarize myself around here when I saw you guys. That is why I came to say hi," there is the enchanting smile.

"Oh," Uraraka beamed as she and the others smiled at what they have heard.

"More knowledge about being a hero. Thank you, Sensei," the gravity quirked say and the rest nodded.

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