Chapter 18 - Moments Interrupted

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15th Day of Afefe in the Fourth Month of Wind's Sway
4380 A.G.G. (253 Years Ago)

The Great Citadel of Lumå'įl, Raröԋӕnga
The Eighth Territory of the Dæmönic Plains of Brŭmal


It should be understood that some of the following passages may not be entirely accurate as they weren't transcribed as they were spoken. They've been translated here for ease of reading. Because of this, unfortunately, some things may be lost in the translation from the original dæmönic to common.

Translated passages will be indicated by the use of bold print.


On the Subject of Intimacy and Dįvįnë Beings

Coitus. Congress. Physical companionship... Sex. A powerful act in the world. Both the living world and the worlds beyond. Even the most casual commencement of the act between two people forms a bond that's not easily broken nor easily understood.

It's beyond physical. Beyond spiritual. Something that transcends time. It's...something more.

Medicinal in every sense of the word.

It helps one to forget pain and loneliness; to alleviate stress and heartache.

And if enough passion and desire is behind it...if the love is real enough, it can be binding. Indeed, it is believed to be the first, and some believe the rightest, form of True Heka. After all, is life itself not born of it; the very essence of the Magick of Creation?

In particular, it's an especially potent thing when it happens between Ångëls; its power compounded in nearly every sense.

Even the Holy Daughter Så'Ħdënåħ had been birthed from the Goddess' own womb after being physically intimate with the once-God Lumå'įl when She could have just as easily formed her from the ether or pulled a fruit from the Tree of Life as She later did with every other race.

The Dįvonësë love in a way and with a ferociousness that I could scarcely do justice to describe and that most mortals could scarcely imagine.

Ångëls lack an understanding of trysts, short forays, one night stands or labels such as "friends-with-benefits". Intimacy for them is never taken lightly or entered into frivolously. It's very nearly a joining of souls. For two Ångëlįcs to bond in such a way is for them to become two halves of the same whole. It ties them together for the entirety of their existence...and sometimes beyond.

Sad were the times of Ångëlįc conflict when Dįvonësë literally died of grief over the loss of their paramours, or they simply stopped wanting to exist. Of course there were always those such as Åmbrosįå Herself and, sadly, Zåkÿntħos, who had the strength to move beyond the loss of their other halves and continue on. But rare was the Dįvonësë who could. And it wasn't without its share of pain when they did.

A pain I would come to be all too familiar with. A pain that I'd wish on no one.

I like to think, knowing everything I now know, that this was the reason Lumå'įl and His treacherous daughter were allowed to live after the failure of the Great Rebellion. That it wasn't just Så'Ħdënåħ's pleas that halted their blink from existence, but Åmbrosįå's love for them both that stayed Her hand when, in the face of all they'd done to Her during their fall from grace, killing them would've been wholly justified.

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