"If I haven't listened the last fifty times someone has told me that exact line then you won't be the expectation."

"No." He admits dryly. "I suppose I wouldn't be the exception." There was a pause. "But I suppose a teacher will always try to teach, even those that don't want to be taught."

"Your a terrible teacher from the five seconds you tried to teach me, I'll tell you that much." Kazemi offers as she rubs her eyes.

At that the ninja let's out a startled laugh. "Oh, I've been told, don't worry."

For a moment the ninja stood there, dragging his finger from Hatake Sakumo to Senju Nawaki.

Kazemi really really didn't want to ask about that so she grabbed her notes and left. That was a can of worms not worth opening, curiosity be dammed. She'll just tell Kakashi about this and hopes that it's nothing too serious.


Sasuke peered at the chunin entrance hall with distaste. Looking towards Sakura she nods towards him as Sai remains mute. And if he knew what was good for him he'd keep it that way, he has a tendency to aggravate people. Said people more often than not where Sasuke but still.

"We need to get to room 301." Sasuke recalls as they look towards the crowd of shinobi gathered around a door.

"It's a genjutsu." Sakura comments as they watch the crowd of people try and get past.

"Hn." Sasuke replies as Sakura bumps shoulders with him.

"Well we have to get past somehow Sasuke, any ideas?" She asks him. It's more out of formalities sake if anything since a plan was already brewing in her mind.

"It appears that we won't need to do anything." Sai replied as a ninja pointed towards the two blocking the 'entrance'.

A ninja Sasuke didn't recognise puffed their chest out slightly while pointing towards the two men. "You two are mere distractions!" They declared. "This floor is covered in a genjutsu!"

Sakura chuckled slightly as Sasuke rolled his eyes. "That makes more competition for us I suppose." Sai comments as he strides to the real entrance.

"I guess it does." Sakura rolls her shoulders. "Alright, let's win this exam."


Kazemi kept her chin high as she walked into the middle of a clan head meeting with a whole stack of paperwork stuffed into her arms. Dropping the documents right in front of the Hokage she looked the man in the eyes before grinning.

"Hey old man, were you ever gonna tell me to come to a clan meeting?" She asks him innocently as he sputters in shock. "I mean, you always tell Kakashi to come to the meetings so you'd think you'd tell me too. Ain't that right Kakashi?"

The man in question did not sigh, though she could guess that he desperately wanted to. "I think you're correct Kazemi." He eye smiles towards the Hokage while placing a hand on her shoulder. "You should've been told."

It was a hard decision, becoming a clan head. On one hand you have paperwork, responsibilities, mandatory meetings (but you can ignore those if your name happens to be Hatake Kakashi), having to get involved in politics and a whole lot of other things Kazemi would hate doing.

On the other hand however she'll get more freedom, tax reduction, political power and most importantly the Uzumaki inheritance.

Both Kazemi and Kakashi spent a good two days revising the village law for this meeting. They had to rush their presentation because they found out that this was one of the very few meetings both Shimura Danzo and Hyuga Hiashi wasn't in which automatically made this the most valuable time for a meeting since that got rid of the ones that would be most against the change.

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