Chapter 4

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"Are you excited to meet your teammates Kazemi?" Kakashi asked as he led her through the academy.

"I already know them Kakashi, I went to the academy with them remember?" She answers back while rolling her eyes. "You sure that Iwa nin didn't do any permanent damage to your brain?"

"Maa, well it's different now Kazemi. You haven't seen them since graduating the academy. They've probably changed." He says while flicking out his book.

She raises an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean Kakashi? I see them all the time. You do know I kept in contact with them, right?"

He didn't answer. She took that as a no. It's not like she's his mini-me, she actually talks to her friends.

"I'll meet you on the roof." Kazemi turns and leaves, not waiting for a reply.


Sasuke was glaring at her and Kakashi while Sakura looked as though she was about to punch Kakashi. She'll help Sakura with that, Sage knows how much that man needed a good punch.

"Alright kids, introduce yourselves." Kakashi speaks up after a minute of tense silence.

"How about you go first sensei." Sakura replies while moving her hair back into place.

"Me? Well I'm Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes are none of your business. My hobbies, hm, well I don't feel like telling you. My dreams for the future are, well, moving on, how about you pinkie?"

She sputtered before regaining her composure. "My name is Haruno Sakura, my likes are..." she looks at Sasuke before giggling. "My hobby is reading. My dreams for the future..." her eyes wandered towards Sasuke again.

"And your dislikes?" The Jonin inquired.

"Ino!" Sakura spat out the name like it was curse.

"Alright, what about you broody?"

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I don't have many likes and I dislike quite a few things. My hobby is training and my dream, well, it's not really a dram because I plan to make it a reality. I will kill a certain man." Did this kid ever receive therapy? Seriously, where was the local Yamanaka when you needed them?

"Okkkkk, moving on then. What about you Kazemi?" Kakashi and Sakura turn to look at her and she can see Sasuke tilt his minutely towards her.

"My name is Uzumaki Kazemi. I like ramen, sealing and money. I dislike Jonin who don't train their students." She sends a pointed look at Kakashi who looks sheepish. "I also dislike crows. My hobbies include seal making and reading. My dream for the future is to retire from being a shinobi and become a cabbage merchant."

"A--a cabbage merchant?" Sakura coughs out as Sasuke looks vaguely, um, annoyed? Horrified? It's hard to tell.

"Yeah, it sounds peaceful." She explains as Kakashi shakes his head.

"Well, meet me at training ground three at 8 in the morning. We will take your genin test there."

"But haven't we already graduated sensei?" Sakura says, looking confused.

Kakashi chuckled like an evil villain. "Not yet you haven't. Every team has to take a test to weed out the ones not ready to become full fledged shinobi. The academy test was to see who shouldn't be a shinobi at all." He then stood up. "Remember not eat or you'll throw up." He then shunshined away.


"Kazemi, you've been with Kakashi-Sensei for over a year right? What can you tell us about him?" Sakura asks as they sit around waiting for the Jonin to show up.

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