Chapter 6

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Sweat trickled down the side of her forehead as a wave of killing intent was released. The Iwa nin was worse, she's pretty sure killing intent was her specialty in fact. Still, that's not to say that Zabuza lacks in killing intent, he packs quite a punch with his own killing intent actually, to the point even she can't push through it completely.

From the corner of her eye she sees Sasuke slowly raise a kunai. She supposes he can't take much more of it.

"Don't worry Sasuke." Kakashi speaks up, never taking his eyes off of Zabuza. "I wont let him harm any of you."

Sasuke seemed to have been snapped out of his trance as Zabuza begins to chuckle. She never knew someone could laugh like they had a curling iron lodged down their throat. Kazemi vaguely wonders if he smokes.

"Don't tell the boy things like that!" He says, voice caked in dry humour. "Who knows? He may actually believe it." Zabuza's eyes darken. "Kakashi of the sharingan."

"Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the hidden mist." Kakashi bites back, his eye equally as dark. "Kazemi, I know I shouldn't ask a genin for help but let's be honest, you're gonna help regardless of what I say so cover me while I get it ready."

"You having a kid fight me?" The man asks with a tone of disbelief poking through. "Konoha ninja's sure aren't what they used--"

She threw a hail of explosive kunai, the explosions gave her time to summon twenty shadow clones that immediately went after Zabuza. The mist clogged her vision but as the clones dispersed she saw how he created water clones to combat hers.

"You nearly done there Kakashi?" She asks while making another twenty clones. The mist was starting to let up, maybe one of the clones got a good hit in.

"I think you'll know when I'm done." He says as a deafening screech fills her ears. She doesn't miss that jutsu one bit.

"Charge straight forward." Kazemi informs him. She hopes Zabuza is still in place, her clones didn't die that brutally just for him to move.

Kakashi follows her instructions and lunges forward as the mist cleared instantly.

"Did he get him?" Sakura whispered as she frantically looked around for their teacher.

"Damn." Kazemi mutters under her breath as she catches sight of Kakashi hauled off to the side with two senbon lodged in his arm.

Zabuza clutches his own arm that looked as though it had been nearly completely severed from his body and was only there because of a few very resilient nerves.

A person in a mask stood in from of Zabuza with his arm outstretched as though to shield the missing nin from them. They wore a Kiri hunter nin mask but with the way they are protecting Zabuza it's probably a facade.

"Protect the bridge builder." She tells her teammates while spawning in two more shadow clones to help them as she moves to Kakashi's side.

The fake hunter nin doesn't move but it's obvious even with the mask that they were observing her carefully.

"Can you fight?" She whispers as the Jonin gets onto his feet.

"Not with the right arm but I still have a left one for a reason." He whispers back while lifting up his headband to reveal a singular sharingan with three tomoe spinning wildly.

"Finally showing your trump card, eh, Kakashi?!" Zabuza yells as he releases killing intent again before moving forward slightly.

The hunter nin immediately puts a hand on his shoulder and whispers something to the man. After a moment the man pauses before glaring at them.

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