Chapter 13

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Walking on the overgrown pathway Kazemi could immediately tell it had been some years since the last maintenance of the area. She expected that but at least it's not as bad as it could've been thanks to Uchiha Mikoto managing it until her death. It was more than Jiraiya had done for her parents memory.

The weeds were bothersome however, she really needed to get a genin team to cut them. Preferably one that doesn't have any of her old classmates in since explaining the whole Uzumaki thing would be, as Shikamaru would say, a drag.

As the path came to an end a beautiful compound filled her vision. It didn't have the grand walls the Hyuga liked to put up but that didn't mean it had no security if the singular seal at the end of the path were anything to go by.

Crouching down to the ground Kazemi inspected the seal for a moment as curiosity began to fill her. It was nothing she had ever seen before. The language wasn't the standard sealing one or even an advanced one. It looked as though someone drew a bunch of random lines one day and gave them meaning.

But if making up a language was all it took to seal then everyone would be a master. The lines had to have a base which was more often then not a single Kanji. The Kanji was normally made up of little words that made the seal what it was. It was the body of the seal after all which makes it the most important part.

Of course, looking at it like this was impractical and writing it like that was even worse. Kazemi pinched her fingers onto the seal before separating them as lines of words exploded from the seal.

"Oh my..." she whispered in astonishment.

There was a reason the Uzumaki were a genius at the whole sealing business. But to think that they wrote Kanji within a Kanji within another Kanji. Yes, it was a different language, advanced sealing but something a little different, as to be expected from a master. But it was so much more.

Details upon details of what the seal should and shouldn't do that looked as though it would take at least a hundred fuuinjutsu users years to make. In that moment Kazemi had never felt more proud of her parents for being on such a level.

And then Kakashi opens his big mouth. "It's a work of art, isn't it?" He admires the work with her as she nods ever so slightly.

"An understatement. But I don't think there is words to describe what I am seeing right now so that will have to do." Kazemi murmurs as she closes the seal back up. "What does it do?" She asks, getting back up and walking towards the compound.

Kakashi walks slightly behind her. "It's a barrier seal of sorts. It disguises the compound and in the case that it is discovered a barrier will form and shock all intruders. There's a few more things but we don't need to worry about them."

"Is that so?"

"It is." He eye smiles towards her. "Minato-Sensei and Kushina would never create something that could hurt their children."

"Didn't think they would." Kazemi murmurs as she gazes at the compound again. Somehow, it looked even more beautiful.


"Alright brats, listen up." Anko grabs a file of paperwork and holds it up towards the genin. "You lot are gonna sign this form so we don't get blame when a couple of you inevitably drop dead. Of course if that scares you you can drop out now and not sign..." she trails off as no one leaves. "Huh, honestly expected a few of you to go. Maybe Ibiki was right about you lot."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at that as Sai turned towards him. "Why must we sign the form? Is our life not already in the villages hands?" He asks genuinely as the Uchiha paused and turned to Sakura.

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