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Alexander, the owner of the Opulent Chateau, had eagerly awaited this meeting with Victoria. His anticipation was fueled by more than just business; he found himself strangely drawn to her, even though he couldn't explain why.
As he stepped into the elegant lobby of the Blackwood Hotel, he took in the opulent decor, adjusting his tailored suit. Today's meeting was crucial for their partnership, yet there was an underlying desire to impress Victoria.
Victoria, on the other hand, had little interest in the man from the opulent chateau. She regarded him as a necessary nuisance, a means to further the hotel's success. Her indifference toward Alexander was thinly veiled by her composed demeanor, and she had no intention of allowing personal feelings to cloud her judgment.
Alexander was directed to Victoria's office. He knocked lightly before entering, finding her behind a desk cluttered with paperwork. She acknowledged him coolly.
"Mr. Alexander, please have a seat."
Alexander took a seat, clearing his throat. "Miss Blackwood, how have you been?"
Victoria nodded politely. "Very well, Mr. Alexander."
Alexander attempted small talk. "Have you noticed the eccentric woman performing in your cafe? She's drawing quite the crowd."
Victoria sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Yes, that would be Evelyn, a recent addition to our cafe's staff. Though I hadn't specified singing as part of her duties,"
Alexander chuckled. "She's quite the character; very interesting and eccentric, I must add."
Victoria admitted, "She gives me chills, and she's rather strange."
Alexander found it surprising that Victoria had shared such a candid opinion with him instead of being cold and standoffish. He felt his lips morph into a small smile.
"I can see where you're coming from, Miss Blackwood," he said, showing understanding in his tone. "It's very strange, but it appears that Evelyn brings a unique charm to your place."
Victoria raised an eyebrow, her indifference returning. "Charm, you say?"
Alexander nodded. "Yes, indeed. Even though she acts a bit differently, some guests seem to like her presence and find it interesting."
Victoria sighed, not entirely convinced but open to the idea. "Well, as long as she doesn't do anything weirder than that, I guess we can let her continue."
As the conversation shifted away from Evelyn the eccentric lady, Alexander moved on to the main purpose of their meeting: discussing the cross-promotion of their hotels.
"Miss Blackwood," Alexander began, "both the Opulent Chateau and the Blackwood Hotel have unique offerings that can complement each other exceptionally well."
Victoria leaned back in her chair, her interest piqued. "Go on, Mr. Alexander."
Alexander expressed his idea: "I'm thinking of exclusive packages for our guests, such as a 'Culinary Delights' package. It lets our guests enjoy unique dishes from both our hotels, blending our culinary expertise to enhance their stay. We can rotate signature dishes from our restaurants, giving them a wide range of options."
Victoria considered the idea but suggested, "How about taking it up a notch? Instead of just dining, we could host a grand gala event that spans both our hotels. Guests would relish top-tier cuisine and a lavish evening of entertainment. We'll showcase our culinary skills with diverse flavors. It's a chance to take our dining to a more sophisticated level."
Alexander agreed, "I like that idea, but how about also a 'Romantic Getaway' package?"
Victoria arched an eyebrow. "A romantic getaway?"
Alexander elaborated, "Yes, think about it. Many newlyweds do spend their honeymoons at hotels."
Alexander continued, enthusiasm in his voice, "Imagine offering couples a 'Romantic Getaway' package where they can experience the ultimate romantic escape at both of our hotels. We could include luxurious accommodations, couples' spa treatments, romantic dinners, and even special activities like private stargazing sessions or carriage rides. It would be a dream come true for honeymooners and couples looking to rekindle their romance."
Victoria nodded thoughtfully. "I must admit, that does sound appealing. We could create a truly unforgettable experience for couples. It aligns well with our reputation for luxury and indulgence."
Alexander smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Exactly, Miss Blackwood. It's about creating memorable moments that guests will cherish forever. This 'Romantic Getaway' package could be just one of them."
Victoria nodded "I believe we're onto something significant, Mr. Alexander. Let's work out the details and make this work."
While Victoria and Alexander were engrossed in their discussion, Robert Blackwood chose to surprise Victoria by making an unannounced visit to her workplace.
Robert Blackwood, a distinguished businessman and the founder of the renowned Blackwood Hotel, arrived at the hotel with an air of curiosity. He had come to find out about the dealings of the partnership and how Victoria was handling it.
As he stepped into the lobby, Robert was greeted by the exquisite decor and the warm ambiance that had made this place extraordinary.
Yet fate had different intentions for Robert that day. As he strolled through the hotel's corridors, he couldn't resist the enchanting voice that lured him into the hotel's cafe.
In the midst of the cafe's patrons' laughter, he spotted her. Her outfit was unique, with colorful scarves and mismatched accessories, and her unruly curls flowed freely as she sang while tending to a table.
Their eyes met for just a moment, but it was long enough for something extraordinary to happen. In that fleeting instant, Robert felt a connection unlike any other. It was as if time had slowed down, and the world around them faded into the background.
Evelyn, sensing his gaze upon her, looked up from her task. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of green, met Robert's, and a big smile slowly spread across her face, revealing a spirit just as carefree as her attire.
Robert, feeling a tinge of embarrassment, quickly averted his gaze, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. He was taken aback by this unexpected encounter and the peculiar feelings it had generated.
Robert couldn't tear his eyes away from Evelyn as she finished her musical performance and went behind the cafe counter. He felt a strong curiosity pulling him toward her, so he approached the counter and cleared his throat.
"Hello," he said nervously.
Evelyn chuckled, her laughter making him more disoriented. "Well, what can I get for you, good sir?" she gestured as if she was tipping a hat, which Robert found amusing.
Trying to regain his composure, Robert ordered a cup of coffee. However, his attention remained captivated by Evelyn, making it hard for him to focus on anything else.
As Evelyn prepared Robert's coffee, with a playful glint in her eye, she said, "You know, dearie, they say a cup of coffee is like a warm hug for your soul. But be careful; it might just reveal your deepest secrets."
Robert couldn't help but chuckle at her absurd comment. Whether it was her weird fashion sense, her unique sense of humor, or her carefree attitude, Robert didn't know which he found most enchanting.
Robert walked away from the counter, sat at an empty table, and started to sip his coffee. The cafe's atmosphere buzzed with conversation and laughter, but for Robert, it all seemed distant. He couldn't help but steal glances at Evelyn whenever he thought she wasn't looking, captivated by her magnetic presence.
As the afternoon came, Robert's decision to surprise Victoria was all but forgotten. Instead, his thoughts were consumed by the colorful and eccentric woman who had captured his attention.
Victoria, who had been occupied with her meeting with Alexander, noticed the time and decided to visit the cafe to check on things. She was taken aback when she saw her father in the cafe.
"Father?" Victoria called him.
Robert was taken aback when he noticed Victoria approaching. It was then that he remembered the initial reason for his visit.
Victoria, with a raised eyebrow, inquired, "Father, you didn't mention you were coming here. What brings you?"
Robert, slightly flustered, stammered, "Oh, um, nothing much. What are you up to here?"
Victoria, now even more surprised by her father's awkwardness, replied with a hint of sarcasm, "Father, I work here."
Realization washed over Robert's face, and he cleared his throat and replied. "Right, of course. I mean, I own this place, so I know!"
"Right." Victoria glanced at her father awkwardly before going over the counter where Evelyn worked.
Victoria decided to leave her father to his thoughts and headed over to the cafe counter, where Evelyn was now taking orders from other patrons. She waited for a moment when Evelyn was not busy before talking to her.
"Evelyn, I see you're settling into your new job quite well," Victoria remarked with a raised brow.
Evelyn's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she responded quirkily, "Oh, indeed, Miss Victoria! It's been positively splendid. I've been singing my heart out and serving the most delightful customers. Life is a grand adventure, isn't it?"
Victoria pressed her lips into a thin line and replied cautiously, "I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your time here. Just remember to adhere to our hotel's standards and regulations. We value professionalism and excellence in service."
Evelyn nodded, but there was a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, don't you worry, Miss Victoria. I may be a free spirit, but I understand the importance of rules... most of the time."
Victoria couldn't quite understand Evelyn's peculiar personality but decided to leave it at that. "Very well, Evelyn. Keep up the good work. Don't do anything unnecessary, and have a good day!"
"Thank you!" Evelyn sang cheerfully as Victoria quickly left the cafe. As she strolled down the corridor, her father abruptly called out to her.
Victoria turned to face him. "Yes, Father?" she inquired.
Robert took a deep breath before asking, "Who is she?"
Victoria's curiosity was piqued at her father's sudden question. "Father, who are you talking about?"
Robert hesitated for a moment, trying to describe the woman he had seen in the cafe. "The lady in the cafe with the colorful clothes and the beautiful voice. She's quite unique."
Victoria raised an eyebrow in thought. "Oh, you're talking about Evelyn. She's a recent addition to the cafe staff. She's a bit eccentric and not very conventional, but she has her own unique charm. I understand she might not fit your taste, given her unconventional behavior, but she needed the job."
Robert became flustered. "I didn't mean... I think she's interesting."
Victoria raised an eyebrow at her father's strange reply. Robert simply nodded and admitted, "Yes, I find her interesting." This unexpected change in her father's demeanor left Victoria surprised.
Victoria couldn't help but feel concerned about her father's newfound interest in Evelyn. She decided to probe a bit further.
"Interesting in what way, Father?" Victoria inquired, her tone cautious.
Robert shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "I can't quite put my finger on it, Victoria. It's just that she's unlike anyone I've ever met before. There's a certain liveliness and authenticity about her that's refreshing."
Victoria raised an eyebrow, clearly dissatisfied with the direction the conversation was taking. She decided to change the topic, hoping to steer her father away from his fascination with Evelyn.
"Well, Father, you never quite answered my question about your sudden visit," Victoria inquired, her tone tinged with frustration.
Robert's face brightened with realization. "Oh, right! I came to discuss your business dealings with the Opulent Chateau."
Victoria's expression soured. "Of course you did," she replied dryly, her irritation evident in her voice.
Robert pressed on. "Victoria, I thought it would be prudent to get an update on the partnership. It's a significant venture for the Blackwood Hotel, and I wanted to ensure everything is proceeding smoothly."
Victoria let out an exasperated sigh. "Father, I assure you, I have everything under control. The partnership discussions are progressing as planned. Alexander and I are working out the details, and it's best if you leave it to us."
Robert nodded. "Very well, I trust you and Alexander's judgment." Victoria rolled her eyes at her father's statement.
And so, in the grand hotel, Robert Blackwood had fallen in love at first sight.

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