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Thanks to TheShyWriterwrites for such a beautiful cover and for supporting my book❤️

Now to the story~
In the quiet atmosphere of the luxurious meeting room, Victoria sat at one end of the polished mahogany table. She maintained an air of professionalism.
The head of the Opulent Chateau, a man with a cocky smile, leaned back in his chair at the opposite end of the table.
"As I was saying," he said, "partnerships should be beneficial for both parties involved. And while your Blackwood Hotel certainly has its merits, one cannot overlook the occasional instances of... shall we say, uncouth behavior?"
Victoria raised an eyebrow as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She didn't know where he was headed, but she was already tired of hearing him talk. She had known that this meeting would be a challenge.
"I assure you, we value professionalism and excellence at the Blackwood Hotel," Victoria responded evenly. Our reputation speaks for itself, and there have been no complaints about our services so far."
He chuckled softly, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the armrest of his chair. "Of course, of course. It's not about the hotel. You did a magnificent job in running the hotel." He paused, and Victoria already had a noticeable frown on her face.
"It's about you, Miss." He smiled smugly at her. Victoria was speechless. She didn't think that she would come here to face this; her blood boiled.
"Me?" She tried laughing it off, trying to be professional, and allowing her feelings to get in the way. "However do you mean?"
She gave a tense smile. The man leaned forward, his gaze fixed on her. "Ah, but I have heard complaints about you." He stood from his chair and walked over to Victoria. "And having such behavior is bad for our reputation."
Victoria's eye twitched. "What?"
He smiled at her. "We can't have you causing a ruckus while we are at work, but then, it's part of you; it would be impossible to change-"
Victoria slapped him hard on the face. "I will not accept such insults from you any more. If you thought I was so difficult to work with, you shouldn't have suggested a partnership between both businesses. But to sit around and endure such a display of outright stupidity YOU ARE WRONG!"
She walked out of the meeting room in anger and made her way to the reception. She muttered curses under her breath; she was very furious about the whole situation.
"People now have such audacity these days!" She clenched her fists. When she got to the reception, she saw her manager being friendly with the manager of the foreign hotel. That sight made her blood boil.
Jaxon stopped talking with Douglas as he felt a chilly feeling up his back. "Do you have some kind of heat control system here or something? It's kind of cold."
"No, we don't," Douglas said, moving backwards. "But I think I know where it's coming from." Jaxon looked back and saw Victoria glaring at him.
"What happened?" He muttered to himself, extremely frightened.
"Manager, we are leaving now!" She said nothing further and walked out of the building. Her manager follows her dejectedly as he waves goodbye to Douglas.
Victoria stormed into her office, her anger from the encounter with the opulent chateau's owner still simmering within her.
"Of all the things I had planned for today, dealing with that fool was certainly not on the list," Victoria muttered, her words dripping with annoyance as she entered her office, followed by her manager.
She paced back and forth in the room, trying to cool off. "I had important financial accounts to review today; instead, I wasted precious time with that."
Her manager nodded sympathetically, understanding the reason for her anger.
Victoria huffed and collapsed into her office chair, still boiling. "And can you believe it? I don't even know his name!"
Her manager cleared his throat. "His name is Mr. Alexander Sinclair."
Victoria's eyes widened in surprise as she snapped her fingers in realization. "Ah, yes, Mr. Alexander Sinclair, that bast*rd."
She leaned back in her chair, her annoyance slowly dissolving into tiredness. "Well, Mr. Alexander Sinclair, you have crossed the line," she muttered deviously while rubbing her palms together.
"Miss, your evil side is showing!" Her manager said  nervously. Victoria gave him a look and sighed.
"You're right; I should stop bothering myself about him. I should focus on better  things." Victoria straightened in her chair and said, "Let's get back to business."
Her manager sighed in relief and nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Miss. We'll get back to the tasks at hand."
Douglas entered the office of his boss with the gift basket that was brought by Victoria and her manager. He noticed his boss had a swollen cheek with a hand imprint. He could only shake his head in disappointment. He couldn't help but comment.
"The Miss stormed out of the hotel angrily." He sets the item on his table. "She has an aura colder than the Arctic. You could have a frostbite because of that nasty glare."
Alexander, his boss, had a mischievous grin on his face. Douglas couldn't believe his lack of remorse.
"You are not even remorseful." Douglas snapped at Alexander. Alexander looked at him, and confusion played out on his face.
"She misunderstood me; I was trying to say that she has a very strong personality, but other people say otherwise. I even complimented her, but she still got angry." Alexander said disappointedly
"For her to storm off like that, you are really bad at giving compliments." Alexander glared at Douglas before smiling deviously.
"I think you are forgetting who is superior here." He said it with a cold grin. Douglas did not waver at the threat.
"I am only saying the truth. If you want to make friends, you shouldn't act like an idiot. It's good advice." Douglas shrugged as Alexander sunk into his seat.
"So what do you suggest?" He asked
"Apologize to her, and next time, be less idiotic." Alexander glared at Douglas. Douglas returned his glare with a smug smile.
"Follow my advice if you want to have a successful love life." Douglas added with a teasing smile, and Alexander sarcastically chuckled at Douglas's 'joke'.
"But seriously, you like her! Don't you?" Douglas teased him further. Alexander was not amused.
"Get out of my office." He ordered with a serious face. Douglas chuckled before leaving his office with a satisfied smile lingering on his lips.
"Who is he deceiving with that smile on his face? He was practically beaming when he told me about her!" Douglas mused with a scoff as he stood outside Alexander's office.

Reborn Shadows: Destiny's ThreadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon